Sunday, December 1, 2013

Wasted Days And Wasted Nights

History (and idiots too dumb to read or heed it) explains the Baby Boom/Feminism's outrageous divorce rate - and the destruction it's wrought - after establishing their "love the one you're with" society:

Hippies - their "open-mindedness" ensured this future,...

1 comment:

  1. I've often likened it to a plate shattered on the floor in a fit of tantrum, and my husband thinks of it more as a drained beer can, tossed on the ground and crushed underfoot after the party is over, but the sucked dry lemon imagery works too.

    Any way, it leaves the suckee winding down the night singing along to George Jones in all his candor about the true nature of trying to survive a feeling of intense hopelessness and extreme solitude. (and finally grasping the real reason why J.W. Dant exists)

    I'm guessing all those self-help books sum up feelings of the suckers.

