Hey - stop that singing! Are you listening to me?
You there - third from the right - nice haircut! Now that's the kind of self-initiative I want to see around here! Join the TMR "hot yoga" class at the end of the day, you butt-kissing black son of a bitch!

The rest of you look around - that boy's got potential!
Settle down.
Alright, as you know, not many people, white or black, comment on TMR - afraid they'll get the racial blowtorch - so (since this ain't a blog obsessed with stats and shit) that can lead to thinking no one's reading, or agrees, or cares, until a donation rolls in.
But I'm known for hanging around a while at the Althouse, which can sometimes bring some much-needed light in, instead (and gets my yah-yah's out). Because, at least, I know she and "kind Massa Meade" give a damn that blacks get some kind of exercise AND social interaction with our daily dose of overwhelming white oppression and mayhem.
That's right - they're "organic" - so any niggas they know is "free range" and you know what that means:
You get to go waaaay out.
Don't get any ideas.
Anywhoo, my participation on behalf of TMR brought this thoughtful missive from a Mr. David Lott, that I thought everyone should hear.
Might make you work harder.
It is, as the saying goes, "Pretty Fly For A White Guy".
Still, pay attention! Don't get swept up in it! By the time he gets to the phrase, "Then came the 50's and 60's", your mind should already be blown wide-open, and I don't want the extra work of wiping up brains at the end of the day (I hate that shit,...) So, that said, without further ado, Ladies and Gentlemen, Massa David Lott - DAVID LOTT! Let's hear it for him before I chop your hands off, David Lott:
Whites in this country enslaved blacks, even before we were a country. They did it in great numbers in the south, and built an economy in which (so they thought) enslaved blacks were essential. Thus their tenacious fight to preserve slavery and their need to see blacks as inferior.
Northern whites eliminated legalized slavery before the Civil War, mostly because they did not need it. This made it easier to object morally, but everyone knew that the nation could not have been created without acquiescing in slavery. Even the slaveholding revolutionaries (Jefferson, Washington) knew that slavery was incompatible with the democratic ideal, but they went ahead anyway. Blacks were victims of what the American revolutionaries saw as a higher ideal. But victims neverthless and very few shed a tear for them.
Whatever Lincoln's ultimate motivations were, the average northern soldier did not fight to end slavery. There was a small cadre of aggressive abolitionists who for a time had considerable power, but it was not sustainable power. Nor were the abolitionists without bias. Certainly very few of them had a taste for using the government to help blacks. For them the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments were enough. Beyond that, the blacks were on their own, especially after the election of 1876. On their own was not likely to go well, and it did not.
Then began the long sorry era of discrimination, further oppression segregation. There was slow change, much stepping forward and back, but mostly sideways. The political marginalization of blacks, and the suppression of their vote, put the whole issue as much out of sight as the politicians could make it be. Democrats were the main oppressors (and that is the right word) and the Party of Lincoln lost interest in the struggle as a important issue for the nation.
The biggest progress came from people we have never heard of and never will, because they had no public role. It took a long time but as people moved around more and communications became more immediate and vivid, the injustices were more apparent. And there were leaders, white and black, in and out of government, who took stands and made changes. Small changes but changes. What had changed least was education. While some blacks rose above it, most people are not exceptional and the lousy education, discrimination and prejudice left millions ill prepared for the world they had been born into.
Then came the 50's and 60's which gave blacks more legal protection but also increased suspicion and fear. Blacks learned how to exploit each other, in media and entertainment, in race politics that made false promises and got limited results. The Democrats, the so called champions of the blacks, put black politicians in gerrymandered reservations and milked their votes without doing much that actually helped. Affirmative action became just another false promise administered by rent seekers. Welfare was intensively destructive and liberal educational policies were a dismal failure.
Then Obama confounded everyone by creating a cross racial alliance and getting himself elected President. This was a personal achievement, not an institutional one. Unfortunately he has governed badly and has done little in the area where he should have helped most, education. There is doubtless a racist undertone to some of the criticism and certainly some of the tone. It does not help that Obama is so aloof and distant, so the valid complaints about the man and his misgovernment get mixed in with the racial crap. And then of course there is the hiding behind complaints of racism, which this stupid reaction to the photo illustrates, and which Obama can not control even if he wanted to. (Who knows what he thinks about it? His course of staying above it is the only one he can possibly choose.)
What I do not understand is why, after this sorry history of disappointment with and by whites over two centuries, blacks continue to trust in government or other supposedly benevolent white dominated institutions as their path to betterment. Why trust a government that has been miseducating your kids for generations? Why seek more benefits when the so called benefits have negatively impacted your families? Why trust in affirmative action when you do not trust the people who administer it? Why wait for police or social scientists to solve the issues of crime, drugs and violence? Why keep voting for the full bore pro choice people when "choice" has aborted 15-20 million black babies over the last 40 years? Why elevate Dr. King to a Godly status when you know that the victories you had came as much or more from the courage of the nameless nobodies than from leaders? Why follow current leaders who do not know or care where they are taking you?
I think blacks have to figure out where the road really runs. It runs through every family, every coach, every minister, every block, every neighborhood, every church, every parent, every teacher. This has always been a bootstrap country. A pull yourself up country. For a long time, for most blacks, pulling on the bootstrap only resulted in blistered hands and a sore back. Now (I think, I hope) it is different. But the whites are not going to lead the blacks out. Some will help, some will not oppose, some will exploit, many will be utterly indifferent. But I don't think they will (or can) stop you anymore if you just pull. A massive, across the board, accept no bullshit pull.
Not easy. Not fair. But necessary.
--David Lott
Good God, that was great - that was great! For a white devil, he really rocked that shit, TMR-style! Boy, oh, boy!
Just what a slave needs before a breakfast full of feces!
(Yes, feces, again!)
I told you - it's organic,...

(Yes, feces, again!)
Nice, and fresh, and steamy hot - but don't worry about it:
I told you - it's organic,...

Where was that posted?
ReplyDeleteI sent it as an email to Crack, Freeman. It had too many "characters" to post at Althouse.
ReplyDeleteNo wonder I couldn't find it.
ReplyDeleteGreat email. Good stuff. I'm glad kind Massa Crack posted it.