There's a few racially revealing moments during Chris Rock's episode of Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee, like this one:
Chris Rock: "As my brother would say [Between Beyoncé and Alicia Keys] 'Pick a bitch.'"
Jerry Seinfeld: "The analogy always has to be black artists, right?"
Chris Rock: [almost uncomfortably]: "I'm black,...Jerry."
There are other instances too, but I'll tell you what you won't find:
There's not one instance where Chris Rock gets perturbed the car is made by whites, they're in a white café, it's a white show, with probably a white crew, with a "white" star, drinking white coffee drinks - nothing. Only Jerry Seinfeld is working on that level, and putting it on Chris amongst whites because Chris' life doesn't happen to be exclusively white (would he say that in a Soul Food establishment?)
All that white stuff is a part of Chris' life as much as Jerry's because he's an American - but it's not enough - it's implied he's also got to give up black references, too, or he's questioned. What does Glenn Reynolds always say about incentives?
God, I love that man.
All that white stuff is a part of Chris' life as much as Jerry's because he's an American - but it's not enough - it's implied he's also got to give up black references, too, or he's questioned. What does Glenn Reynolds always say about incentives?
God, I love that man.
But he and Jerry aren't the ones with the problem.
And Chris Rock wasn't the only one just making conversation over coffee,…

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