Sunday, February 2, 2014

White Tactics: Claiming Blacks Are Yelling When We're Really Disagreeing With A Stupid Racist White Person


A word whites only understand, today, when "gay" is put in front of it. 

It's rarely used for blacks pushed into the nation's ghettos, or obviously overlooked/passed over for jobs, or to discuss the phenomena of whites, discussing what should happen to blacks, without any actual black input. 


And you know what else? 

If whites really wanted to lower the crime rate, they'd hire more blacks, so I don't think they're being honest about their goal at all.

O.K. - I had to get those two off my chest - on to the real shit:

I'm compelled to blog this little bit of racist behavior because whites have tried to use it on me three times this week.

Always the same scenario:

A service is being performed, by me for the white or vice-versa, when something unexpectedly happens.

The white person, as always, assumes the I'm-in-charge overseer's hands-on-hips pose and pontificates as to, what they think, is the nature of the problem.

But, when I disagree in any manner - hot, cold, indifferent, doesn't matter - the first thing the whites do is accuse me of "yelling" and potentially threatening them.

It doesn't matter what kind of white person it is, either - hippie, conservative, whatever - that's what (after 400 years of slavery) they intuitively know to do, to get control of the situation, and blacks in general.

Because, in white's minds, they have to have control.

Now, of course, blacks know whites do this because they're scared.

Fact - while blacks can read white emotions, whites usually don't know what's going on inside blacks by looking (ask Obama how many white theories he's heard on what he thinks) - because, historically, up until a few decades ago, whites never had to care before.

Hell, when I'm wearing an afro, most whites can't even tell if I combed it or not - that's how out-of-touch they can be.

Anyway, whites pull this "you're yelling" bullshit because it's supposed to make the black person self-conscious, putting the white person in the "civilized" category and suggesting to white onlookers (and - being America - there's almost always a gang of white onlookers) they got a "crazy nigger" on their hands, so everybody better be on guard - you don't know what he might do!

It's total chickenshit - a distraction, just like NotquiteunBuckley's little trip around the world, to avoid discussing whites here - capable of derailing the conversation until all we're arguing about is black behavior modification and not whether the white guy fucked up and has the whole situation wrong.

After 400 years of slavery, whites just think they should be on top, and that means never hearing the word "No" from a black person. 

Several times, I've seen whites physically shake, simply from losing that position in debate.

The scariest thing about it is, almost all whites deploy this tactic once - white friends, coworkers, random people you meet doing business - they're all willing to look completely delusional to try and get that foothold (and they do look crazy, if there's any other blacks around to say "ain't nobody yelling at you"…) Then they shrink right before your eyes.

Like I said about whites taking responsibility:

Whites find anything but power, over others, as a fate worse than death.

The truth is they need to come up with some new shit.

You know, like just making a concerted effort to be decent,…

1 comment:

  1. Crack, this is exactly what they do over at Lem's, which is a microcosm of white society. They do it to anyone who dares go against the accepted position. The attempt to marginalize is obvious to anyone who isn't doing it. The ones who may occasionally show a spark of original thought are reigned in by Trooper York and Sixty Grit types, the others just go along with it because they are desperate to belong, why is beyond me. I would not choose to be friends with such people. Why aren't there more people who are willing to speak out against injustice? Because they are cowards or devoid of human decency themselves. All the Christian moralizing is simply a show, they don't walk the walk.
