Sunday, February 2, 2014

TMR: The Tea Party Sabotaged Christie's Presidency

I look at some pretty dark shit but, politically-speaking, this is the saddest headline I've seen all morning:

 "Losing the People" - in other words, he had them.

We had them - the Republican Party.

So why would a guy with a 73% approval rating feel he had to pull the kind of shenanigans he did? I've got a theory - short and sweet:

It was the Tea Party's lack of Right-Wing support - and even outright hostility - that caused Christie to feel he had to do whatever it took to keep any other players in line.

I could be wrong on this - and I'm more-than-ready to concede I may be - but that's what I see from the cheap seats.

Not that it matters now anyway.

I still want to take a moment to say "Thanks" to The Big Guy:

It was nice for TMR to feel some hope for a change.

That was way better than how I feel now,…

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