Friday, March 19, 2021

NewAge (There's No Need For The Last-To-Leave To Ever Turn The Light Out)

Matt Taibbi (formally of Rolling Stone, and a journalist still worth watching, though he's getting sucked into the anti-"Woke" vortex like the rest) has A Brief List Of Official Russia Claims That Proved To Be Bogus, to go along with all the other post-election revelations about how the Democrats (AKA "The Party of Science" and THE PEOPLE-UNITED-WILL NEVER BE DEFEATED) have lied to us for years - ALL of the American people - for power.
And don't forget: those Democrat lies are to be piled atop the lies they've told after stealing the San Francisco election of 1975 - which we didn't find out about until after a Democrat murder spree in 1978 - when they spun a new set of lies to cover-up why that sleaze bag People's Temple cultist, Harvey Milk, got killed. These liars actually enacted laws over our lives, based on those lies, that we've been obeying ever since - until this new set of deceptions has started shaking their political foundations.
Boy, for a political party that deludes itself as "the good guys" (standing with Bill Clinton while four rape accusers point at him) practicing NewAge philosophies sure is leading The Democrat Party to inhabit some very dark places,...

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