“Well, we’re just being open-minded,” is the formula used to justify spending large sums of money to investigate therapies that even my ten-year-old son could instantly recognize as not only impossible but also somewhat ridiculous. I guess I’ll just have to be closed-minded because if you asked me for money to investigate the healing properties of magical gnomes I would turn you down. Gnomes, like Reiki, Homeopathy, faith healing, and ayurvedic medicine are ridiculous at face value. The extent that they are investigated highlights one of the biggest problems with Complementary and Alternative Medicine, not that it is mostly ridiculous (which it is), takes money from the gullible including those who really can’t afford it (which it does), or even that it sometimes delays the effective treatment of health problems (which I see regularly), but that it has the potential at a time when we should be looking for ways to economize on medical care to suck up even more public money with nothing to show in return except the enrichment of a pack of charlatans.
- Panda Bear, M.D.
Well, as you can see, I've finally found a "real" doctor - someone willing to state the obvious - and in plain, easy to understand, language: Panda Bear, M.D. (All underlines are mine.) He captures the, smug, evil intent, the art of the con - and even states the word "impossible" - something I've always missed with other blogging docs while, also, always wondering why. Here, have another taste:
"Suppose I invited an Astrologer to join the faculty and offer medical advice to your patients? Or a faith healer? You’d no doubt protest and mutter darkly about primitive superstition not having a place in medicine and you’d be right. But what, pray tell, is the difference between something like Ayurvedic medicine, one of the usual suspects in integrative medicine, and astrology or faith healing? Nothing, really, except that you’d be embarassed to consult an astrologer and Christian faith healing, as you reject religion in medicine, is prima facie unacceptable while Hindu faith healing gets a free pass. The fact that we even have to have a debate on the validity of Ayurveduc medicine, homeopathy, and other obviously ridiculous treatment modalities is, in itself, ridiculous and I can only shake my head and wonder at the powerful hold of quackery on my learned colleagues in the Ivy League where this kind of thing flourishes. When you are incapable of asking for proof of the existence of chakra, qi, or mystical fire flowing from the appendages of charlatans, maybe you have become a tad too open-minded. So open minded that you no longer have the conceptual tools to distinguish the right from the wrong, the good from the bad, or the reasonable from the ridiculous.
It’s not difficult. Generally, if someone claims to shoot mystical fire or diagnose Hindu humors he should have an uphill struggle convincing the educated. Skepticism should be your first position but that would require a little too much common sense, not to mention being a little judgemental which is the only remaining sin among the over-educated elites. It is in this manner that that prestigious medical centers succumb to a form of blackmail. If they Reject Eastern mysticism and other completely laughable medical therapies they risk losing their street cred’ among their lesser-educated but more institutionally powerful peers."
Loss of "street cred' among their lesser-educated but more institutionally powerful peers."? Sounds very familiar to me since my idiotic U.F.O.-loving, Astrology/Reiki Healer/Homeopathic/Yoga and Meditating/cheating wife left the scene. I've gone from being The Crack Emcee to The Cracked Emcee (my every utterence questioned, after a lifetime of ethical behavior and truth-telling) merely because I've taken on New Age and cultish-thinking as a clear symptom of what's wrong in post-Boomer Western culture. And all by people - even my so-called "friends" - who think of themselves in the best of terms, though, from my experience, they've really always been a bunch of followers, who've always drank too much, smoked too much, did too many drugs, read too many bad "alternative" texts, betrayed loved ones more times than I can count, never paid attention to politics until the Iraq war started - bo-ring! - but, now, all have strong opinions on it, though it's roots are, at least, 30 years old, and they know I was reading about it in the same nightclubs they were cutting lines of speed in, etc..
Now - like the former smokers they (almost) all are - they've become royal pains in the ass, especially regarding non-existent "health issues", and I've been blackmailed - by all of them - starting with my wooly-headed ex, Karine Brunk, and her murderously ethically-and-morally-challenged New Age quack "doctor", Robert Wohlfahrt. Hey - special message to her "friends":
Karine was taken advantage of, sexually, by a quack who had to lie to do it, do you care?
Whatever. You shame yourselves. "Strength in numbers" doesn't add up to truth - and truth will win out. I may use "mean" words but I've actually hurt no one. Caused them no pain. Tried not to add to their burden. (I used to be the person many of them ran to for answers) But many people - my "friends" - have hurt me a lot. And, as you all know, I don't forgive (or forget) these kinds of things easily. Not of this kind. And, especially, not anymore. Not when I'm dealing with betrayal, lies, and murder, on such a massive scale.
"Just forget about it"? No - being judgemental, I won't "just forget about it." I'm remembering every comment, every slight, every diversion, every attempt to under-cut or marginalize me, and every act of redicule that has come my way. Trying to get me to say, "I don't care", like they do - to witness evil and just "move on" - hasn't worked. I will NOT be like you. I'm not a New Ager. Such an idea disgusts me. Believe it or not, your shoddy, twisted, examples of friendship-in-action continually make my conviction stronger. Strong enough, today, to at least say:
So, I'm "feeling better about myself" these days, how 'bout you?
Throw a Rune,...

It's been a while since I commented, but I want you to know I'm still reading. And...
ReplyDelete1. I don't think you're crazy.
2. Thank you for alerting me to "Panda Bear, M.D." What a scathingly elegant writer.
Have a great weekend, CMC.
Yea, he's the bomb. I was holding my breath so much, trying to read his stuff, that I had to remind myself to breathe. It was that powerful. Hopefully he'll pop his peers to attention one day.
ReplyDeleteAs far as you and I, C, we've always been cool: I'm just, naturally, staying away from the Preacherman. And I'm glad, after all the nonsense, you don't think I've gone over the deep end. It means a lot. I still look at Steve's blog, but don't comment, because I don't even think he gets it yet. (Too "open-minded"). Panda Bear, surely, gets it - and, like Steve, he can write too!
Did you see he put me in his blogroll? (He put me in his blogroll, Connie!) I notice I'm not in your blogroll,...LOL
Anyway, thanks for writing. I gotta work this weekend but I'll think of you and smile anyway. You can bet on that.
CMC, you actually have been in my blogroll but for some reason the link wasn't showing up. I went into my "template modification" thing and saw that I had mis-copied/pasted the code. (I suck at HTML.) Anyway, I corrected it.
ReplyDeleteAs for "all the nonsense," you and I disagree about a few things and probably always will, but I still think you have something worthwhile to say.
I don't how it feels, but I'm pretty sure that you need to... be cool in a situation like this because it directly affects your body, I remember a case of a girl of 25 years old that of cancer and the doctors said that she could save herself but the diagnosis even it was a cancer a doctor who works in Viagra Online labs said that she just don't wanted to live anymore which is very sad :S
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing, good luck.