In India, the former chief minister of the state of Madhya Pradesh, Uma Bharati, accused her political opponents of using "tantrik powers" on her because she had lost her favorite uncle, hit the door of her car against her head and found her legs covered with wounds and blisters.
So India TV, one of India’s major Hindi channels, invited an atheist, Sanal Edamaruku (seen above on the left) for a discussion on “Tantrik power versus Science”. India TV also invited Surinder Sharma, who claimed to be the tantrik of top politicians and is well known from his TV shows. During the discussion, the tantrik showed a small human shape of wheat flour dough, laid a thread around it like a noose and tightened it. He claimed that he was able to kill any person he wanted within three minutes by using black magic. Sanal challenged him to try and kill him.
Surinder Sharma tried. He chanted his mantras (magic words): “Om lingalingalinalinga, kilikili….” But his efforts did not show any impact on Sanal – not after three minutes, and not after five. India TV extended the time for the show again and again. The original discussion program should have ended, but the “breaking news” of the ongoing great tantra challenge started overrunning all program schedules.

After nearly two hours, the anchor declared the tantrik’s failure. The tantrik, unwilling to admit defeat, tried the excuse that a very strong god whom Sanal might be worshipping obviously protected him. “No, I am an atheist,” said Sanal Edamaruku. Finally, the disgraced tantrik tried to save his face by claiming that there was a never-failing special black magic for ultimate destruction, which could, however, only been done at night. Bad luck again, he did not get away with this, but was challenged to prove his claim this very night in another “breaking news” live program.

The encounter took place under the open night sky. The tantrik and his two assistants were kindling a fire and staring into the flames. Sanal was in good humour. Once the ultimate magic was invoked, there wouldn’t be any way back, the tantrik warned. Within two minutes, Sanal would get crazy, and one minute later he would scream in pain and die. Didn’t he want to save his life before it was too late? Sanal laughed, and the countdown begun. The tantriks chanted their “Om lingalingalingalinga, kilikilikili….” followed by ever changing cascades of strange words and sounds. The speed increased hysterically. They threw all kinds of magic ingredients into the flames that produced changing colours, crackling and fizzling sounds and white smoke. While chanting, the tantrik came close to Sanal, moved his hands in front of him and touched him, but was called back by the anchor. After the earlier covert attempts of the tantrik to use force against Sanal, he was warned to keep distance and avoid touching Sanal. But the tantrik “forgot” this rule again and again.
Now the tantrik wrote Sanal’s name on a sheet of paper, tore it into small pieces, dipped them into a pot with boiling butter oil and threw them dramatically into the flames. Nothing happened. Singing and singing, he sprinkled water on Sanal, mopped a bunch of peacock feathers over his head, threw mustard seed into the fire and other outlandish things more. Sanal smiled, nothing happened, and time was running out. Only seven more minutes before midnight, the tantrik decided to use his ultimate weapon: the clod of wheat flour dough. He kneaded it and powdered it with mysterious ingredients, then asked Sanal to touch it. Sanal did so, and the grand magic finale begun. The tantrik pierced blunt nails on the dough, then cut it wildly with a knife and threw them into the fire. That moment, Sanal should have broken down. But he did not. He laughed. Forty more seconds, counted the anchor, twenty, ten, five… it’s over!

In this night, one of the most dangerous and wide spread superstitions in India suffered a severe blow.
I was talking to some people at work about this clip. One of them, from another country, was laughing along. Then she said, if one of 'those kinds of people from my country' tried to kill that guy in that way, they could do it. She was dead serious. I asked her if they would go on TV with an atheist. She said they would never do that. I asked why not. No answer. Someone came to her 'rescue' and said I needed to respect her beliefs. Do I?
ReplyDeleteThe fact proabably is that she has seen 'these kinds of people' really do damage. Maybe not for the reasons she thinks, but the damage is real and not funny. So I didn't push it with her.