Sunday, April 6, 2008

Cowboy Logic, 2.0

A long, long, time ago, I (regrettably) played a part in And once they sold out the artists - pretty much for being artists - I kinda got an inkling things weren't going to go well under our new task-masters, the computer geeks. Well, it looks like I was right.

The partial text, below, is clipped from Cnet News and, if you're a musician, it's all bad news: dying record companies, much less money, and nobody with a clue where to get more:

"Some of you out there can pat yourselves on the back. You've been shouting for years on Web sites, message boards, and blogs that the music industry would one day bow to technology.

That day has most certainly arrived.

But this isn't the time to gloat. The digital music revolution is in its infancy. Nobody knows what works yet.

How this plays out is anybody's guess. In the near term, we're likely to see more job cuts and shrinking revenue in the sector as we transition into what Forrester Research analyst James McQuivey calls Music 2.0. The reality is that recorded music will probably never produce the kind of revenue it once did. Digital technology has degraded the value.

I say long live Music 2.0."

Yea, yea, yippee-kai-ya, motherfucker: I say "kiss my ass". I don't know about anybody else but I think it's time to stop this train and start going the other way: back to basics. Back to record companies. Back to the glory days of music and not just how it's delivered. Record companies, at least, knew what fueled this industry; even if they didn't always have a clue what made a good song "good". Fuck this computer shit.

One of my ex's friends once told me "I see a whole line of fools on television, being famous, and you could be in that line." I looked at her like the idiot she was and screamed, "In case you haven't noticed, that's not the line I'm supposed to be in!" (or words to that effect,..)

Why doesn't anybody seem to get that? That if you sell out everything that's important for survival you won't live? I won't anyway. I'd much rather die fighting, that's for sure.

Fuck it. There's too much bad news out there today. I need a break. A shower. Coffee. I need to get out of here. Find someplace I can think, plot, and plan. Plan for a FUTURE. I don't give a fuck anymore:

I'll change everything about this whole damn world by myself if I have to.

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