Yes, the woman who admits “I had an affair with a married man,” and to using a "Yorkshire psychic," is doing alright. I, on the other hand, am just getting by and, still, get anonymous e-mails from "friends," telling me what they think they knew about my marriage, and dissing my post-divorce interest in NewAge: of course, when they do so, nobody ever explains the inherent "spirituality" in my own Miss Information's lying and adultery. ("He was helping her get in touch with the universe - and you never even tried!")
It's weird for me to consider I knew so many people with such a positive interest in NewAge - enough to defend it, anyway. I've got to get some other friends, that's for sure. But, apparently, there's no such thing as a rich and powerful, angry and supportive, atheistic genius-black-songwriter-with-integrity lobby,...
Anyway, people actually feel for the woman, now known simply as "Trish":
"When her alcoholic auto-mechanic brother Kevin lost everything in a divorce, he hanged himself. She is preoccupied, she says, with thoughts of Kevin, his failures. 'I’m basically going to go bankrupt. I’m going down the toilet and nobody gives a shit!' she says, weeping."
Yea, lady, join the club.
I'm thinking I gotta get a video camera,...and a deck of those damn cards!

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