"Rocks to socks, what could say christmas better. The Onion made my eyes water was funny. And the [post about] white persons coming up to you and kissing ass is'nt surprising but weird. It's a great time for every black man to get complimentary blow jobs while the going is hot. And one wonders why whites in the 'peace corps' seem to get fed to the crocs. Dumb mutha fuckas."Eloquent.
This is from a white guy - a regular reader in Utah - who, more than once, has paid his respects to the only black guy he
loves for - honestly - reaching "across the aisle", or the racial divide, or whatever I'm calling:
People of color who frequent my office have commented on the fact that more white people are saying 'hi' to them. I told them the better fuckin' say 'hi' back, or else?! ( about 80% toungue in cheek)