Saturday, January 24, 2009

What's Really Liberal, Really White, And Getting Really, Really Old Right Before Our Very Eyes?

"The antiwar movement is run by racists who only like brown people when they can be used as clubs with which to beat anybody to the antiwar movement’s Right.

Well, anyone to their Right, and Jews."

-- Moe Lane, pondering an anti-war movement that screamed "murder" whenever President Bush went after the enemy but hypocritically says nothing now - not a peep - when President Obama does it, as Moe Lane.

Random thought: remember how the French (who are against the war and have a problem with Jews) kept insisting we had to have Barack Obama as our president - even when they have no black politicians - or else we were racist? (Myself included, I guess.) They also believe in NewAge cultism while claiming they're free of religious influence: I swear, it's the same all over the big old NewAge world. Cultism = hypocrisy: you just can't make this stuff up.

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