Sunday, February 8, 2009

Joseph Nigro: An Overcooked Conspiracy

As a public service to the celebrity moron brigade, we offer the following potential conspiracy:

On January 30, 2008 Bill Clinton, campaigning for Hillary said in a speech:

"We just have to slow down our economy and cut back our greenhouse gas emissions 'cause we have to save the planet for our grandchildren."

And the major news stories a year later are the crashed economy and saving the planet.

On behalf of the whack-O-matics, we could make the argument that Clinton accidentally spilled the beans that he and Al Gore colluded with the Democrats controlling congress, Wall Street, celebrities and the Obama campaign to crash the economy, slow down carbon emissions and give Obama something to club McCain with.

So there’s a good start, nut-cups. Or maybe it requires Bush to be a target before you spring into action.

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