Friday, May 8, 2009

They Just Can't Handle The Truth

"The Obama generation doesn’t think twice about openly ridiculing folks who don’t follow in lockstep,...'You’re so negative' is an accusation I’ve heard many times since moving to Hollywood, usually in response to less than total elation,...Whatever happened to critical thinking?

...Lately - okay, since the Election - I’ve begun to suspect that the rejection of critical thinking is more than a regional custom. Forget the swine flu, anti-thought is a viral pandemic - and it’s spreading fast.

These kids - who see nothing odd about surrounding themselves with creepy, halo’d icons of The One - mock folks who actually make the effort to exercise their right to free speech on talk radio, at Tea Parties, and at workplace printers. Talk about a false sense of security.  They think this double standard is perfectly normal.

As a young’un said to me not long ago, 'But Republicans… aren’t they, like, evil?'  When I was growing up, the only Republican I knew was my grandfather - and he used to describe himself simply as a 'skeptic.'  Party affiliation aside, I always thought skepticism was supposed to be a good thing.

Not anymore."

-- Charles Winecoff, with the best explanation why this blog (and blogger) is Republican - and skeptical - though born and raised in Big Hollywood.

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