Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Sunny And Share (I Got You, Babe)

"[Climate Change is] a tough sell. And probably you have to find ways to exaggerate the threat. And you can in fact find ways to make the threat serious.

But I tend to be rather pessimistic. I sometimes wish that we could have, over the next five or ten years, a lot of horrid things happening — you know, like tornadoes in the Midwest and so forth — that would get people very concerned about climate change. But I don’t think that’s going to happen."

-- Thomas Schelling, Nobel Prize-winning economist - and liberal: don't forget liberal - wishing the best for his country because, heck, a Nobel Prize-winning economist - and liberal: don't forget liberal - would never allow his adherence to a delusional ideology trump his patriotism, right? (because, y'know, that would be like, y'know, bad) especially if they printed it, out in the open where everyone could see it, like, in The Atlantic.

So, like, really, what was Hillary just apologizing to India - about America - for again?

I swear, I can't make this stuff up,...I really can't. It's just too insane for words.

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