Thursday, November 8, 2012

I Couldn't Have Said It Better Myself,...

"Yes - this was the historic 2012 election between 'scientific gobbledy goop!' (or as we call it, 'arithmetic') and belief - and belief wasn't going down without a fight."


1 comment:

  1. Dang...for some strange reason I'm getting like this deja vu in a past life I have experienced this before....

    Oh yeah, the Republicans are acting the EXACT same way the Democrats did back in '00 and '04!
    Well damn, the more things change the more they stay the same after all!


    *checking out some of the comments on some of the conservative in name only blogs has been enlightening: for how many years have these jokers called liberals immature, unpatriotic, etc. etc.? And now on some well known and regarded blog sites you got people encouraging other people to cheat on their taxes, quit giving to charity, fire workers (be sure to find out how they voted and then fire them if they are Democrat), buy more guns, ammo, prep food and get a bug out place in the country stat! (aka. go Galt for reals), they hate America, they hate "stupid, lazy, idiotic" Americans...blah blah blah

    Uhm, I thought conservatives were supposed to be mature, responsible, not given to fits of the crazy? Oh, I forgot...I'm supposedly a stealth commie lover and not a conservative, so guess my vision is all wrong!
    These people have completely lost me; I have as much respect for them now as I do for the Democrats.
