Thursday, February 20, 2014

Radio Sweeper: From Rush (From A Bad Motherfucker)

Blacks aren't Sandra Fluke.

They told me I was wrong to go there, to making TMR into a racial zone, but I know when my country's culture turns - and Rush Limbaugh's feeling it, too, now:

"Take that bone out of your nose and call me back."

Naturally, as a Dittohead, I know it's a ruse - just as I know no conservatives are going to contact Rush and publicly tell him to cut it out like they do TMR - and I also know (like Matt Drudge using his "Knockout Game" dog whistles) Rush is smart enough to know when he's being disingenuous as well.  

Not only that, but you all sound the same, too..

Rush knows history, so logic says the man who does his work "flawlessly with zero mistakes" has to know he's taking his listeners for a ride.

Anybody white want to lend a hand, go right ahead. Anybody?

The truth is, whites HELPED to end slavery, just as they HELPED in the Civil Rights Movement, but the idea that anyone wanted freedom for blacks more, or suffered more to get it, than blacks themselves, is preposterous. Blacks have always freed ourselves, and the importance of destroying slavery wasn't a choice, like it was for whites. No white man had to tell Harriet Tubman what she was doing, and they didn't always know, but "Moses" is one example of blacks destroying slavery.

They won't even let us get high.

And yes, while whites ended it, there was still 250 years of slavery that needs to be accounted for, as well as the betrayals and broken promises of Reconstruction, and Jim and Jane Crow that followed it. Wealth accumulation as blacks wallow in poverty, further racism and now, even this latest phenomena of whites killing black teens at will. In other words, yes, whites (but, more specifically, America and it's government) have a LOT to feel guilty about. Including the lying still going on today, by people like Rush, to discredit what blacks have done, while still perpetuating what whites, collectively, have and still do:

Ready, aim, fire!

The black man speaks.
"See, this is what I mean by you're sick - in the head:

You'll consider any scenario - including I'm a raving racist instead of the artist some of you have known for years - any scenario, except the only one that matters:


Rand Paul has told you. The Republican leadership has told you. Everyone who isn't a white male - and even many of them - have told you.

I'm telling you - but I'm also working your last nerve (and spending my own time) to rush you there a little faster because, frankly, I think you can do it.

There, I said it."

"Half my brain behind my back just to make it fair."

So, it appears to me, I'm a bigger man than Rush and his fans - who'd say I "play the victim" - but also some hanging online at the Althouse:

An example of how the white man is really the real victim out there.

I've noticed, collectively, white males have got their anti-victim line down-pat. To the point where it's morphed into a self-defeating, crazy-making, pathological utterance, based on lies and (this is when a racist neurosis has developed) a much-more-than-obvious denial of reality in America:

Rush has listeners, Ted has listeners, their listeners have listeners,...

Whites outnumber blacks 6 to 1, and whites all think they're acting so independently of one another, when in fact - because few whites have real black friends - they don't realize they're repeating the same racist dogma as a collective unit. I see it in the media:

Lovely woman, if a bit of a prima donna.

And there it is, amongst conservatives I consider my friends online, like the Dust Bunny Queen:

I could take any of these guys in a fight.

They won't stop when we know where it comes from.

Wolf Blitzer's stupid and even he gets it.

President Obama certainly knows where it comes from, as well as his supporters, despite white's denials and claims of innocence.

How stupid is Wolf? He goes to the betrayer of two spouses for ethical guidance.

It's awful that, rather than acknowledge what whites have historically done, and vow to fight it (Newt, being a history professor, more than most) whites defend themselves, and usually pick another fight, in a misguided effort to keep themselves from looking like the ugly Americans they can't imagine everyone else already sees them as.

He's Dunn.

And it is getting ugly.

"Happiness is a warm, yes it is,…."

6 to 1, people, 6 to 1 - online and off in a world filled with distractions - what are the possible ramifications of that? Give it everything you've got and, God damn it, think:

Is it hard, being the voice of discontent, while trying to bring us together?

Alright, I'm tired. You might consider showing you understand when - despite white claims to the contrary - somebody black does care enough to try and speak honestly, despite white hostility, to get you there. I mean, I ain't no Desmond Tutu, but I'm also not NotquiteunBuckley's "race hustler" who "just wants to line his pockets, profit, from American injustice" either. 

I roomed with this guy for a while - didn't work out, though he wasn't racist.

I'm just a black guy, still trying to survive out here - or, if you want, you can look at it purely from a blogging perspective:

"It's a dirty job but someone's gotta  do it" - Faith No More

I'm the only motherfucking black Republican who's been aggressively hitting this pro-American shit, somewhere for y'all, for at least the last 96 motherfucking hours. And what do we call that again?

"Truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children,…"


  1. Brittney Cooper at Solon is saying all the right things, so you're not alone Crack.

    And her name is a micro aggression to me as "Britt" implies colonialism and imperialism.

  2. "Blood money, that's what I call it, cause money for blood, ain't no fair exchange.

    Blood money" - Bon Jovi Young Guns soundtrack.

    You are Pat Garret Crack. You and Brittney too.

  3. It's nice for white boys like Chief Justice Roberts to claim the way to stop discrimination is stop discriminating, because him and his got theirs.

    So, after keeping you down under a boot for all your life, he says just go be equal and all.

    Fuck that.

    The people who profit from discrimination need to be stopped from profiting and the discrimination will end.

    This starts with education both high and low, where most discrimination occurs. We need instant laws that any city with a minority graduation rate below 70% must fire all the teachers and administration and bring in the National Guard. What kind of fucking country doesn't think millions of children given-up on isn't an emergency requiring ultra-direct, controlled-violence action tomorrow morning at 8:01 am EST?

  4. The most complex music, famous for whites thinking it is basic, is Stir it Up 1973 studio improv.
