Monday, September 1, 2014

Hungry Hearts: My Killer Divorce Got It's Own Movie

Oh yes, it has. The Venice Film Festival is getting rocked by Hungry Hearts, a film that sounds kinda like the real life story of my marriage. It's about a New York City couple as they endure the immigrant wife's spiritual psychosis over food impurities, and her baby, resulting in it's death. The difference in the specifics of the circumstances (my wife killed three people, and is from France, not Italy) doesn't change how they met their demise:

The unrealistic fears of an outsider to the new world, fortunetellers contributing to it - and exploiting it behind the husband's back - further deception and, finally, NewAge death.

What a world. Is this film (further) evidence the phenomena of modern spiritual murder is  finally gaining attention and/or currency?

"It tastes like a true story,..."

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