Monday, August 7, 2023

On Cynicism & Gullibility In America, Part II

TMR has always been on top of the NewAge movement, and the fraud that's emerged from it. At this point, it feels like that is the true business of the world: deceiving one another. How is it only now  - 18 years after this blog began - that someone else admits we see cults "a lot nowadays: in the arts; politics, obviously; even in banks, for God’s sake. People rush to reinforce warped thought systems,..."? And, if they haven't been saying that, previously, what have they been saying, and why?


Holding up Dr. King's dream, to negate the fullness of the American dream that Dr. King wanted for black people’s lives, is a fraud. And, it’s a known fraud, as surely as homeopathic concoctions sit on pharmacy shelves. As surely as Hunter Biden was selling more than the mere “illusion of access”. As surely as Bill Clinton raped three women. Like the NewAge movement says, “It’s all connected.”. And it's obvious as Hell.


So a nation of suckers is rising, on the left and right, and expects blacks to get in-line. I know, it can be shocking to hear of anyone who doesn't buy into the bullshit everyone else has been celebrating, but TMR has always been about that. In 2000, I recorded a song about how I didn't want to go along with the tech industry, but today they're still trying to make me love Steve Jobs, after the music industry I loved has been warped in a way that, today, music consumes hardly a fraction of our lives, and has even less influence on our lives, than anyone ever imagined for America - formally the worlds leading purveyor of the world's culture.
At some point, conservatives must not merely stop, but roll back what’s been started, to preserve what we have. That first requires being willing to honestly look at what’s been done. The Democrats haven't proven they're willing to do it. Especially since Donald Trump has been on the scene. But, really, since Harvey Milk was killed. Look at that photo, above, and tell me Kamala is not either too cynical or too gullible to hold power. 

Their demand is we either live and die as liars and fools, as they do - willingly - to feel safe. But I don’t think that's gonna happen. Why? 


Americans don't trade freedom for safety: not everyone fell for Nazi fascism's okey-doke the first time, and blacks won't, for the NewAge flavor, either, whether the Kool-Aid''s ladled-out by the GOP, or Oprah Winfrey. This is NOT the People's Temple.

As I've told you all long before.

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