The father of a Victorian woman who vanished with her daughter in Western Australia fears the pair have been brainwashed by a cult.
-- Georgie Pilcher, reporting for the Herald Sun
The wheels of justice are turning slowly in a bizarre kidnapping case involving allegations of cult brainwashing and a woman abducted off a Hamilton street by her own family.
-- Barbara Brown, reporting for Canada's The
"We are,...brainwashing our children on the warming topic. We have no better example than Al Gore's alarmists and inaccurate movie which is being shown in our schools and being hawked by warming activists with little or no meteorological-climate background."
-- William Gray, Colorado State University hurricane forecaster, who added that "a mild form of McCarthyism has developed toward those scientists who do not agree". As reported by The Weather Guys for USAToday
The program’s stated intent was for the approximately 7,000 students in U.D.’s residence halls to espouse,...“highly specific university-approved views on politics, race, sexuality, sociology, moral philosophy, and environmentalism.”
-- From a report on the University of Delaware's "Residence Life Citizenship Program" which demanded students define a racist as “all white people living in the United States”; agree that “people of color cannot be racists”; and the U.S. is “an oppressive society” whose “structures of oppression” it is every student's “duty” to eliminate. As reported by Candace de Russy in Pajamas Media.
Kids like those she describes are probably getting a double helping of the left, both at home and in the world at large, and so their worldview is decidedly skewed,...Think about it: what would you believe if you were raised on a steady diet about the failings of the dullard in the White House (who was nevertheless crafty enough to “steal” the 2000 election); about our “reduced standing” in the world since he took office; how capitalism is causing the earth to go up in a jolly blaze of global warming; how we are a nation of evil “haves” and powerless “have nots”; how our foreign policy is to blame for 9/11 and the Middle East considering America to be the “Great Satan”; and how the majority of Americans are a bunch of bigots and racists? Add to that the constant barrage of anti-war and anti-America rhetoric from groups like Code Pink and World Can’t Wait, and the complicity in these sentiments by the mainstream media and the entertainment industry — what would you think? After all, if the likes of Bill Maher, Michael Moore, Keith Olbermann, Susan Sarandon, and the brain trust on The View say it’s so, why would a teenager argue?
-- Pam Meister, on teens who hate America, also on Pajamas Media.

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