But the real cynosure of the occasion last August was the smiling, snowy-haired man who is the bride at every wedding and the corpse at every funeral he attends, the 42nd president of the United States, Bill Clinton. He had come to the City of Light with the motley crew that constitutes some of the post-presidential rat pack to celebrate the marriage of Douglas Band, the man who for the last decade has been his personal aide, gatekeeper, enforcer, and—more recently—counselor in the multifarious business, philanthropic, and political dealings that keep Clinton restlessly circling the globe.
Also in attendance was Ron Burkle, the California supermarket billionaire and investor who is Clinton’s bachelor buddy, fund-raiser, and business partner. Burkle had come with an attractive blonde, described by a fellow guest as 'not much older than 19, if she was that.'
Burkle’s usual means of transport is the custom-converted Boeing 757 that Clinton calls 'Ron Air' and that Burkle’s own circle of young aides privately refer to as 'Air Fuck One.'"
-- Todd S. Purdum, writing on the ethical disaster that is Bill Clinton, for Vanity Fair
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