Saturday, November 8, 2008

Put Me In, Coach: I'm Ready To Play!!!

"I think we're looking at something different here, a larger problem. If you just look at the optics, look at the Republican and Democratic conventions, look at the McCain-Palin rallies and Obama rallies, look at the demographics and then look at the census projections and what do you see? The Nationalist Party of South Africa -- not with the ideology, but in the make up -- in the future."

-- Colby King, Washington Post columnist, being allowed to get away with another kind of "high-tech lynching", on News Busters.

Oooh, this shit burns me up: listen, if conservatives keep allowing this kind of crap to be said - because they're too pussy to confront it for fear of being called racists, or (for whatever reason) won't let people, like me, do it - then there may be no room in this movement for:


  1. Allowing 'this kind of crap to be said' is what the first amendment to the constitution is all about. If so called conservatives can stop others from posting stuff because they think its crap, theres nothing to stop people who think your stuff is crap from stopping you.

  2. Oh Earl,

    As usual, some people will misread something and jump on their soapbox, thinking because they're idiots everyone else is. I said nothing about stopping anyone from saying anything, but lamented that crap like that is said without a response - because some liberal somewhere will scream "racism" if a white person does it. That's why I want in the dialogue. I'll gladly tell that asshole from the Washington Post - the paper that just admitted, after Obama's in office, that it was in the tank for him all along - where to stick his racist ass.

    I have no interest in people who are demanding a post-racial world but think that means dumping on white Republicans or anyone else.

    It's bullshit.
