-- Ken Tucker, author of "Scarface Nation: The Ultimate Gangster Movie and How It Changed America," (and editor at large at Entertainment Weekly and a TV and pop music critic who regularly contributes to NPR’s "Fresh Air With Terry Gross.") admitting very few understand one of the greatest gangster movies ever made, in North Jersey.com.

The only person who ultimately succeeds in "Scarface" (in the lizard-brain way NewAgers tend to view life) is Tony Montana's mother, Mama Montana. She's the one person who rejects him, his money, and his lifestyle, but - once everything is done and all the idiots are dead (Scarface, his friends, his sister, etc.) his mother - the only truly honorable person we see in the entire film - goes on to inherit everything we see the oh so "smart" Tony Montana attain:

The anti-NewAge moral:
Being smart enough to be good - to show no "loyalty" to evil - is it's own reward.

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