Here's one now:
A recently divorced, 50-year-old single mum of three with a consuming full-time job, dodgy love life and wacky religion is not likely to be top of anyone's list to adopt a child.
Unless her name is Madonna, that is. The Queen of Pop tends to get what she wants.
On this occasion, she wants to take home a little princess from Malawi on Saturday in her private jet.
Adorable four-year-old Mercy James has been picked as the perfect accessory, oops, sister, for David Banda, whom the star adopted two years ago.
Back then, I wrote a passionate defence of Madonna's right to rescue a motherless child from one of the poorest countries in Africa.
Above all, I trusted Madonna to be a good mother and to put her adopted son first. Well, today I am feeling sadly disillusioned, not to mention a bit of an idiot.
Since she adopted David Banda, he has lost not one daddy, but two. His adoptive father, Guy Ritchie, to whom the little boy is devoted, now lives on the other side of the Atlantic and they hardly see each other.
Madonna, who is legendary for striking the right pose, convinced David's natural father, Yohane, that his son would have a happy, stable family life with two committed parents.
She failed to mention the possibility of a bitter divorce, a baseball player and a toyboy model called Jesus.
By giving his son to the famous white lady, Yohane was hoping to save him from the lethal African disease of poverty.
How cruelly ironic that, with Madonna as his mother, the boy has come into contact with the West's own contagion of selfishness and 'personal fulfilment'.
'David is only three years old and already he has been through so much. I don't think God meant it to be like this,' says Yohane.
Indeed. But how can the Almighty hope to compete with the despotic rule of Her Divine Madj (estimated fortune: £300 million) as she mysteriously silences dubious relatives and starstruck African court officials?
When parents are splitting up, they generally make every effort to keep the childcare stable.
Not Madonna. Recently, she dismissed David's Australian nanny. Angela Jacobsen had complained on her Facebook page that she couldn't 'take any more s**t'. With Madonna so often on tour, Angela must have provided a precious fixed point in the little Malawian boy's rapidly changing existence. Yet, after handing in her notice, she was reportedly given just a few hours to get out.
When the Madonna Show is on the road no little baby, no vulnerable child, or indeed African country, is allowed to get in the way. It's a pretty disgusting spectacle.
Now it is Mercy's turn to be signed, sealed and delivered. Despite angry objections from charities, the four-year-old is Madonna's latest must-have item.
But, unlike David Banda, Mercy is no longer a baby. Quite how she is going to make the transition from dirt-poor Christian orphanage to macrobiotic kabbalah penthouse is unclear.
Save The Children has said Madonna's conduct verges on 'a puppy parade' and pointed out that rich people like her are only looking for a beautiful child.
Frankly, I do wonder what will become of delicious tots like David and Mercy if they grow into tricky, plain teenagers who don't quite go with the designer lifestyle.
Perhaps most disturbing of all is the sense that there is something racist about this traffic in angelic black children. Somehow Africans aren't allowed to answer back. Their protests and objections carry less weight.
If she chose to, Madonna could pay for half of Malawi's Aids orphans to go to school. Or she could put her extraordinary charisma behind the White Ribbon Alliance, the admirable charity supported by Sarah Brown which campaigns to reduce unnecessary maternal deaths in childbirth.
This is exactly how David Banda lost his original mother. What a remarkable gift to her son that would be.
Instead Madonna chooses to wrench another child out of their environment to act as a prop in her ongoing mid-life crisis and to make herself look good.
All I can say is, may the Lord have mercy upon Mercy.
Allison Pearson – Daily Mail

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