Friday, October 9, 2009

Mentally Ill

"I still love Madonna... but she's retarded"
-- Guy Ritchie, who apparently can't just "move on" after divorce - what's up with that? - dropping all pretenses to doing so, in The Daily Mail.

Guy also, stupidly, adds:
'You can't tell someone when they're getting divorced that their pain is an illusion. I'm f***ing telling you, I feel it, I've been through that. You have, too. No one can say you don't feel that."
Oh, but as emotionally harmful as those I'm-only-being-helpful bastards can be, they will try, my man, they certainly will try. The reality of the situation be damned. But, of course, we're talking about delusional idiots who could care less about reality - or a man.

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