Thursday, September 5, 2013

A Friend Of Mine Has A Message (For The White Man)

Yes, Keith Knight is a personal friend of mine - going waaay back - but, other than passing on the message, I'm staying-the-fuck out of this one:

I'm bad-off enough, with my back, than for me to get beat up over this shit again,...,...



This is how I think, too,...


  1. I don't believe that's accurate--at least not for the majority of people I happen to know.

    If a word is offensive when I say it, then it's offensive when you say or when Louis CK says it or when the Queen of fucking England says it.

    So if me saying a word offends you, than everyone saying that word should offend you (it's simple logic, and don't give me "it's how it's used argument (not you, you, but you in general)).

    Then again, sometimes words lose their power with use. Other times words become more offensive with use.

    Case in point: a certain well known commenter who constantly refers to a certain public official as "choom", and anyone associated with that public official as "the choom gang".

    Now--when I first heard that choom was some Hawaiian term for pot and that public official might have referred to his friends once upon a time as the Choom Gang, I thought it was funny.

    But after a few years of reading it over and over? Fuck me if someone says choom to me in real life, I might punch them in the head.

    Ya know?

  2. Is there any word in America that carries more power?

    Not choom though I guess that could get me punched out too. When I was young, Cody, the Kanakas called it pakalolo.

  3. He's lying about that incident. White people know that. Black people need to figure it out. Act like everybody else, 99 you'll be treated like everybody else. Demand a table for 25, white or black, NO restaurant can magically make that happen instantly. Gt pissy about it, white or black, you're a dick.


  4. Fred, who's lying?

    If you mean KK, no he's not - it's a phenomena. Now part of The Black Experience.

    And I've been in the presence of white guys who couldn't stop saying nigger, so,...

    You might need to figure out a few things yourself:

    Like, not everybody's saying this stuff to hurt,...

  5. I was raised in a racist (white) family. My wives have been Hispanic, which makes for interesting family ties. I solved it by "disinheriting" the f*ckers completely. The best thing I ever did.

    If I never hear another racist epithet in my entire life, it will be too soon. So, I hate the N word as well as any other racial insult, including those directed toward whites. And, I do not think blacks should say it either. If they do, then STFU when whites use it.

    The word should simply cease to exist. Kids should not even know who to say racial insults.

    Anonymous age 71
