Thursday, September 19, 2013

It's Not A Surprise Why So Few Blacks Can Make It In The Right's Circles Or Why So Few Whites Don't Know

It's shameful to think the only places I can go online to avoid what I call "monkey noises" from whites is here, a black site like The Root, or maybe some liberal outlet. I don't know of a single "safe" place on the Right. Racial intolerance, and harassment, is just too much a part of the conservative decor.

And, while I know all white conservatives aren't even close to racist, I'm also acutely aware of their reluctance to speak to other whites about their attitudes - which means I'm left open as a target.

Nobody needs that - especially the feeling you're all alone, almost betrayed, when your supposed "friends" are right there.

A lot of whites ask me what the answer to race in this country is, and now - post-Trayvon - I don't have an answer for them. I saw too many whites really, really happy a black kid was dead. That's what almost all black people saw. I took Zimmerman's side and whites still disgusted me with their lust for blood - and their attacks on me. And then there was this.

Ask yourself - how many blacks did you encounter today? I've seen nothing but whites today. There are white people who never saw a black person. Unless locked indoors, there's possibly no black person in America who didn't have to deal with whites.

And yet some whites are violently upset with us. Like we just fuck up the view. Some whites have always been violently upset with us. What am I supposed to do with them around me? Hang out with other whites - who won't defend me as I would them? Seriously?

I hate this whole set up - but that's race in America. I'm going to be the bad guy no matter what I do. Don't say anything, I get attacked. Say something, and everybody gets pissed at me - then I get attacked. Can there be any doubt why blacks aren't integrating with conservatives?

This blog didn't used to be black - not even in background color. 

But there's something about defying a white mob alone, online or off, that'll do that to you.

It all definitely came at a bad time, for me personally, but what the fuck?

Begging everybody to drop the topic definitely wasn't working.

And I still can't fathom why I - alone - am always expected to set the good example,...

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