Thursday, September 19, 2013

My Dinner: An Expired Can Of Soup - Eaten In Freedom

Today I was told I'm becoming the thing I hate. I don't know if that's better than becoming the thing he hates:

“To all the folks living in poverty and drug and crime-infested communities, that was me as well, so I have lived all the lives of the people who come before me.  I can relate to them. I can speak their language.

You know we talk about the criminal justice system and in many ways I think it is criminal in and of itself. Being from the inside and the outside, I have the observation that the justice system, throughout our journey, has been used as a tool of oppression.

We find that we have a system where we fail to educate African-American men and we remove the jobs from their community and replace the jobs with guns and drugs and a failed education system and what we’re seeing now is the majority of our prison population is made up of African-American men.”
- TV's Judge Mathis

So - I can be trapped in a system of racial oppression - or, somewhat out of it, but still talking about a system of racial oppression. Hmmm:

I don't think my accuser's crazy about either option,...

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