Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Now It's Finally My Turn: Dying In The Street Like A Dog (After Years, Walking Around, Mumbling About Injustice)

Like most black men, I didn't plan on making it past 30, so I've had a pretty good run. Outlived 16 of my 20 best childhood friends - that's got to be some kind of American record.

America's always been an untenable situation. I've loved education my whole life, but black schools aren't cared for like white ones, so even going to a white one - and discovering that difference - was traumatic.

And I know I'll be forever traumatized by my white wife, calling the cops and saying, "There's a black man in my house," after she was busted cheating with a homeopath. Between the beginning of The War On Terror and that, my new record deal at the time never stood a chance of surviving.

And - with so many of my dreams taken in one fell swoop - I knew I probably wouldn't either.

How Mr. I-Love-Education was expected to, in this culture, where - despite all the evidence it's just water - people are allowed to insist, "Homeopathy worked for me!" (which meant I was just jealous of my wife's good fortune to be deceived and deceive me in turn) I don't know.

I was facing madness or death either way.

Your hero, Ted Cruz, would say it's been "God's Plan" for me all along, paving my way to Heaven,...

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