Friday, February 21, 2014

They Always Tell You This AFTER Saying It's Wonderful

Physical slavery. Mental slavery. Westerners love slavery - can't get enough of it. Got to have control, bitch.

Anyone who understands slavery, knows, it's all about the training. Free your mind and your ass will follow. And (once you've bought into the mind/body connection) Massa - and I don't care if it's a plantation master or a reiki master - Massa's got something to put in both:

Understatement. I've said it, and I'll say it again: 

Because Mommy and Daddy didn't instill even an iota of critical thinking skills in their little princess, some asshole got to have all the "fun" and we get stuck, being told to idolize some extremely-bendable, but empty-headed, husk of a "healthy" human being even her own folly discarded. 

The "smart and independent" cartoon who HAS to get to yoga class - which is only exercise. So are the retreats. And only eating certain foods. And claiming to be "spiritual" and, maybe, even a god. You know, the god of exercise.

And complaining. About the city. She's got to get out of the city. And she's got to take alternative medicine. And she's got to shop at Whole Foods because other supermarkets want to kill us. But, there's no telling how she knows that, since she doesn't watch the "negative" news. (She can't handle anything "negative".) She also can't make the all-important choice between detox or a fast. And then comes "energy" and,…sigh. 

From a physical slave's point of view - and trying to look at it on the bright side - hey, at least they get used to bending over,….

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