I've started doing some house cleaning - putting links in the titles (go on: try it) and the posts themselves, fixing the tags, that kind of thing - so I won't be posting as often for a little while (there's almost 700 posts to work on). I will still be posting, but it may be limited to one or two a day for a bit while I get things together.
It's just a fact that when I put a lot of links in, people hang around, send them to friends, etc., so it's something I have to stay on top of. Also, a lot of posts get lost - like the ones that feature just a picture - so, if there's a link in the title, the blog's "experience" is fuller all around. And there's nothing that makes me happier than seeing that people really eat up this blog (some hang around for hours).
O.K., on to this particular post's real business:
I mentioned that silly policy in San Francisco, where they give you a $100.00 fine if anyone can see your recycling bin, and now I just read that people are up in arms about it. The Castro's City Supervisor, Bevan Dufty, has suggested that people who can't conceal their bins should build sheds for them. How crazy is that? Not crazy enough, because the Fire Department has said the sheds have to have fire sprinklers too! This is insane!
Why is no one mentioning that recycling is a completely pointless endeavor? For the last time - from a 12 page article in the liberal-ass New York fucking Times - recycling is:
"The most wasteful activity in modern America: a waste of time and money, a waste of human and natural resources."
Oh yea, while everyone's posing like they're so fucking concerned,....
But these assholes have people jumping through fucking hoops - and paying through the nose for it. Why, oh why, are people going along with this scam? What is wrong with you people? Are you crazy?
This whole environmental scheme is as old as the dirt the hippies used to wear, and to see people haven't caught on is mind boggling. I showed you there's no over-flowing landfills (I haven't had to pay out one thin dime one that one.). There's no Global Warming emergency. There's no need to recycle either. It's just more hippie nonsense and, man, are you guys gonna be pissed when you figure it out after paying all that money for the privilege. How dumb can you get?
This dumb:
The celebrities that are pushing it aren't doing it - how much of an emergency can it be? Politicians scale it back for the sake of elections - how much of an emergency can it be? It's all just meaningless gibberish and you fools go along like,..well, like it's the end of the fucking world!
But it's not - it's bullshit:
Really: it's just a bunch of liars. Wake the fuck up, folks: it's time to bring the heat so these fools know not to fuck with us like this again.
Ahh, but who am I kidding? You pussies ain't about doing shit. You're a bunch of first-class suckers. You regularly get played for idiots by anyone who comes at you with the right P.C. credentials and, as long as that's the case, you don't care what they're selling. You like solipsism. It gets you hot.
Which would be a great Global Warming sex joke if any of you were interesting enough, or not so brainwashed, as to be worth picking up. Or this shit wasn't so fucking deadly, I'd feel like it.
But I'm getting back to work.
Tickle your own damn selves. You know, down there:
It's the one thing, at least, I'm sure most of you have got allllll figured out.
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