"You seem to be very sincere and you have courage to boldly speak a warning against true dangers of cults lurking around to devour' the undefended minds of people. I also realise that you are trying to be a protector by raising public awareness. Please do also remember that people will accept or reject your teaching by how they percieve your acceptance of them. Dr Gupta's sin, you tell me, has been to listen to and discuss the latest newly-recycled occultist Lie from people he has interviewed. His style of not immediately pouncing on their BS is not your style. But you would reach more listeners yourself if you try some of his style and not reject your listeners so quickly."-- Traditional Guy, in a discussion with TMR's Crack Emcee, on the merits - and cultish connections - of Barack Obama's Surgeon General choice, Sanjay Gupta, in the Althouse.

"All warm and fuzzy?...it ain't gonna happen."-- Dick Cheney, on how he'll approach discussing the merits of the Bush Administration in a final interview, with The Weekly Standard.

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