Thursday, January 22, 2009

When A Magician Walking On Stage Is The Show

"If Obama deliberately takes on the trappings of a messiah, why shouldn’t we expect messianic solutions?"
-- Victor Davis Hanson, asking the only question that matters - now that The Cult of Obama wants to "lower expectations" - in The National Review.


  1. Seem like I remember you saying that if Obama won, youd be a grownup and show respect for the presidency. What happened with that, anyway?

  2. I don't know how calling him on cultism - which I've always said was the case - is disrespecting him. A cult leader is a cult leader. What? Am I supposed to forget about it now and join the grinning followers?

    And I don't know what, after 8 years of abusing Bush, any Democrat thinks is correct behavior now. I mean, the mere suggestion, that anyone should behave - after their butt-ugly example - is just hypocrisy of the highest order.

  3. I've gotta agree with Crack Emcee here; he's simply pointing out the absurdity of trying to lower expectations after taking every chance to raise them to levels on par with the Second Coming during last years election.

    And on a side note, so long as you don't hope for the assassination of Obama you're still miles ahead of a great many Democrats on the issue of maturity.

  4. If Obama is a cult leader with his rhetoric of hope and the masses of people that he inspires to support him, wouldn't Bush be a cult leader with his words of "crusading" against terror and the masses of people that he inspires to support his agenda? And if one cult inspires with hope, and the other with fire and brimstone fear, which do you think is more in line with the agenda of the God of Love that they both claim to follow?

  5. See, that's one of the problems of cultism: it not only makes people so simple-minded they all think the same but points out how many simple-minded people there are - and I don't like being reminded. Look, all cult leaders speak of "hope" but that doesn't make them or what they do "good" (anymore than using the word "crusading" makes someone "bad") because - this is going to shock you - they're lying. I mean, that's what this post is about: Barack Obama lied to you.

    The fact you seem to imply that you're willing to accept cultism and lies, for yourself and others, as long as the liar claims to be "good" shows how much of a problem you have: you've already forgotten the point of honesty, or living in a free country, and with people like you around we won't have much of either very long.

  6. If you really were so worried about a presidents lies, why have you always been easy on Bush. His lies got hundreds of thousands of people dead, an economy in the toilet, and my country about as highly respected as you are. Your own "cultism" blows any credibility you might have, except for other members of your cult. Calling people who don't see it your way simple minded doesnt change the truth.

  7. That's just your cultism talking. You guys had eight years - 8 years - to prove these "lies" and couldn't do it but still you insist they exist. That's nutty. Even Nancy Pelosi said if you've got something, bring it, and she'll prosecute it but nada. But still you guys screech. BDS to the extreme. It's insanity of the highest order. I mean, 8 years?

    That's crazy.

  8. One more thing:

    There are these things, called facts, that you can bother to investigate, but you don't, so you limit your argument to opinion - to whether or not we can "agree" - which is useless. That's what makes you simple minded: You're not willing to do the work because you can't stand to be wrong.

    You'd rather have a cult leader - which is really simple minded - because it proves you don't want to think.

  9. Um, those are some nice facts you've got there. Ever heard of "the madness of crowds"? Madness - doesn't sound good. Especially from someone with no facts to act as the "proof" (you tell yourself) others won't accept. Face it: you got nothing but your delusions. If you look at the tags I use, "delusional thinking" is HUGE these days.

    And hearing such a thing from someone who has already endorsed cultism doesn't help your case.

    But since you like numbers, I guess all the people (doctors, professors, etc.) saying it's a cult are wrong, too? Sure.

    And P.T. Barnum could never have famously said a man can't lose money by underestimating the intelligence of the American public unless it was true.

    Face it: the world's been wrong before.

  10. It just dawned on me how funny you are:

    You're actually trying to talk me into giving up my free will and joining a political cult!!!


    It's got lots of members! Wow!

    I can just hear my mother saying, "And if everybody jumped off a cliff,..."

    I'll talk to you later.

  11. CMC - Every paranoid psychotic in the world believes that "everyone else is crazy." They hold real tight to anything they can find that agrees with their craziness, and label everything else crazy or stupid. The sickest ones even believe that everyone else is in on some big plot to get them. None of this will apply to you, Im sure. Because you KNOW.

    Hows that all working for you? you a happy guy with lots of friends, a great job, and a bright future? Or is your life one big war against that big bad machine?

  12. Ahhh - this is another of my brave anonymous Left-wing former "friends" - how nice. Does torturing someone make you feel good? I hope so. And you wonder why I reject you.

    Still, let's take these one at a time:

    "Every paranoid psychotic in the world believes that 'everyone else is crazy.'"

    You're still talking like I'm alone in my judgement. That's convenient. You focus on me and ignore everyone else, though we are all relying on facts and you're just relying on your feelings. That's cultism, baby.

    "They hold real tight to anything they can find that agrees with their craziness, and label everything else crazy or stupid."

    One little problem here: everyone told me I was crazy when I said my ex-wife was in a cult and the guy she ran off with was a killer. They told me (being the adultery-accepting idiots they are) that it was just me, upset because my wife left me. Now two more people are dead when my "friends" (like you) could've formed the all-important "community" they're always talking so much about, and done the right thing. But they didn't. Because they're "non-judgmental" about everything except a man who asserts himself - which is why you hate Bush, too. Sorry, Bunky, but you guys blew it with me. You made sure I was betrayed again and now people are dead - and my Karine helped kill them. I hope you're proud of yourself.

    "The sickest ones even believe that everyone else is in on some big plot to get them."

    Well, when your "friends" turn on you - when you've done nothing wrong - that might happen. If they continue to dump on you, because you know they've always been wrong, it could be reinforced. Look at yourself, asshole. What do you think you're doing now? Making me feel comfortable? Please.

    "None of this will apply to you, Im sure. Because you KNOW."

    No - it all applies to me. And I do know. I've always known. That's why I was popular when I was a liberal and why I'm hated now: I don't let you dickheads sway me. I'm my own man.

    "Hows that all working for you? you a happy guy with lots of friends, a great job, and a bright future? Or is your life one big war against that big bad machine?"

    Let's see: I have a really nice apartment with a great roommate. I'm moving now - invited by real friends I've known since jr. high - to get away from hypocrites like you. And, with every inch of distance I put between myself and people I couldn't trust to trust in me, my future grows brighter. Actually, after being betrayed my wife and my friends, enduring her participation in three murders, and leaving my political party - hell, yea - things look damn good.

    How about you, boyo? Does fucking with me light up your life?

  13. "You're still talking like I'm alone in my judgement."

    Na, there are lots of looney tunes out there, crying about that big bad world. You just another little fish in a big pond. You judge people and expect others to accept what you say. You even find other people sick as you to back you up. Well guess what? No matter how many wackos in the rubber room agree on something, they still just a few wackos.

    Just sos you know, we quit being your friend because you act like an asshole and blame everybody else for your own fuckups. Deny it all you want. You know Im right.

  14. Yea, and that switch just happened to have occurred after my wife killed her mother and I asked for your help and you denied what I said had happened was true. You all insisted women leave their husbands all the time - grow up and get used to it - and now two more people are dead because of your "enlightened" attitude.

    I shit on you.

  15. "I hear that living well is the best revenge."

    See, this is what I hate: make up your mind, dickhead - are you going to acknowledge that this bitch killed three people or are you going to keep giving me these silly platitudes (like the one above) about overcoming a simple divorce? In other words, are you going to be an adult and start to appreciate the scope and horror of what's actually occurring or are you going to keep living in denial? Look, asshole, she and that quack that my "friends" help feed her to are making the press now! Do you know how that happened? Not because of my "friends," I'll tell you that! They've spent all their time, doing like you, and demanding I do what they say - when they've always been wrong - more content with making my life harder than listening to me or doing what I ask.

    So like I said: what are you going to do? I want you, whoever you are, to get real. If you can't do that, go away.

    I don't need you.

  16. Of course you give up - you dickheads always give up when I've said confronting the seriousness of this shit is what I want you to do. You want to act like it's just a divorce. Multiple murders is above your pay grade. That's why I've left you behind:

    You're worthless.
