Tuesday, January 13, 2009

You People Don't Learn (Which Is The Problem)

"To much fanfare from both right and left in 2006, Massachusetts became the first state in the nation to require all residents to buy health insurance,...Then Gov. Mitt Romney, a Republican, promised that 'every uninsured citizen in Massachusetts will soon have affordable health insurance.' Yet just two years later, Romney’s much-heralded 'solution' — touted by many as the model for a national program — has become an embarrassing flop.

Just a year after the universal coverage law passed, The New York Times reported, state insurers,...raised the costs of coverage for  Massachusetts residents by as much as 56 percent,....

...Some people now have to wait more than a year for a simple physical exam.

...If this sounds just like Canadian-style socialized medicine, that’s because it is. Massachusetts residents now pay more for less access to health care,...

...Barack Obama’s health policy advisers should take a good look at the smoldering wreckage in the Bay State before trying to impose any such 'universal coverage' on the rest of the nation."

-- The Editors, describing Massachusetts' Universal Healthcare program, in The DC Examiner.

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