Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Cloud Cult: Hate The Band - Like The Song

This is "Lucky Today" by those eco-friendly Esurance ding-dongs called Cloud Cult - which makes sense if you read this blog: like any Stuff White People Like cultist, this bozo's singing about how one thing is going wrong after another, but he still feels "lucky" - pretty much the same philosophy fed to the starving kids of Bangladesh - yeehaw!

Anywhoo, we heard a few of their songs and Cloud Cult sucks - except for this one tune - so, since they're on a TV commercial, they have "cult" in their name (and, being environmentalists, we don't doubt them) and this one track is bouncy in a poppish Violent Femmes-y kinda way, we'll stretch their 15 minutes out one-second-longer, and mention their sorry asses here, just because we've been AWOL on the music component of the site for some time now: Made it too hard to load a page, y'know?

But Fuck (Butt Fuck?): We don't know what we would've done if these yuppie idiots had been good!!!

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