One of those, the Long Count calendar, began in 3114 BC and is believed to end on the winter solstice in 2012, although that date has been the subject of debate among Mayan scholars.
Some New Age groups believe the expiration of the Long Count cycle will correspond to a global 'consciousness shift' and spiritual 'rebirth' for mankind. But others have developed a doomsday interpretation, citing increased solar sunspot activity and polar realignments as indications that Earth faces a much more dramatic scenario at the end of 2012.
Although the theories may sound more out-of-this-world than end-of-the-world, books and websites promoting the apocalyptic analysis are proliferating."
-- Philip Sherwell and Hernando Garcia, not calling anybody stupid - guys: you've gotta call somebody stupid - because stupid is what it's all about, when the thinking's slower than The Telegraph.

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