One of the cool things about the James Arthur Ray sweatlodge tragedy (if not the only thing) for me personally, is that no one is asking what I mean by "
NewAge" anymore.

Whether the topic is self-help, spirituality, motivational speaking, pseudoscience (Ray did love spreading his bullshit take on quantum physics around) quackery, cultural appropriation,
The Secret,
Oprah, yoga, or whatever, everybody seems to "get it" now that they know three very
gullible people died from this nonsense - which is the very result I've been saying it leads to all along.

(Of course, they
haven't yet made a connection from the fact that all those involved in these endeavors are
cultish Obama supporters as well, and the result of his ascendency is politically the same as James Arthur Ray's, but I'll save that one for another post,....) For now it's just nice that no one assumes, for instance, that because Indian sweatlodges are a thousand year-old practice, I'm somehow mistaken in my descriptions of this 40+ year-old movement called "NewAge".

Now - after seeing the ying/yang symbol on Ray's bogus teepee - the mashed-up and fractal-like nature of the NewAge Movement is becoming clear. James Arthur Ray is a leading NewAge guru, and, like the movement he's a part of, he's in books, magazines, movies, television, and online. He's also spreading it's influence by leading expensive yet barely-noticed seminars, retreats, and much, much more.

And for those with eyes to see it, like the James Arthur Ray empire, no matter where one looks, the con of the NewAge Movement is there, too, whether you're investigating science, medicine, feminism, environmentalism, healthcare, politics, cults, entertainment - you name it - just like with Al Qaeda, it's tentacles are hidden, far-reaching, disruptive, and deadly.

It's been pretty clear to me that (since the introduction of
the Maharishi's bogus "spirituality" to The Beatles and beyond) it's, literally, got multiple strangleholds on our nation.

But it's now (supposedly) that
everyone wants answers, though it's painfully clear (to me anyway) that even with all this attention, still, no one's willing to ask the really important question:
Why didn't they want answers before?
I mean,
Gloria Sam is still dead, isn't she?
Rebekah Lawrence is still dead, isn't she? So NewAge was just as deadly the day before the sweatlodge tragedies, wasn't it?

And why cultish and wacky people would do these stupid and terrible things, to themselves and others, didn't make any more sense the day before the sweatlodge tragedies, did they? Where was everybody then? Where was the concern when it really mattered?

I'll tell you where it was:
It was hidden behind contemporary society's propensity for delusional thinking, cynicism, snark, and self-declared sophistication.

What's the harm?" people asked - while also implying that anyone who would question these bogus "teachings" was merely a "closed-minded" reactionary prone to
exaggerating the danger. Sure. Explain that thinking, now, to
the families of James Ray's victims. Now - after their loved ones are dead. I'll betcha you'll probably get
as sympathetic an ear from them as this blog has had for those troubling responses.

Well, maybe not,...since I'm probably
waaay ahead of everybody on this one.
Brother -- 100% with you other than the Obama thing.
ReplyDeleteI'm the ultimate James Ray Enemy. I'm -- as we speak -- dedicating over 100 hours per week to this Clown. I am also an Obama Supporter. So are many of the people working with me against Ray.
On the flip side, I can also show you several members of his cult, as well as supporters of his -- that are hard-core Conservative Republicans.
For the sake of maintaining your credibility -- you should really do some level of research on your points, before you make them.
"Several members" are going to put my credibility at stake?
ReplyDeleteI don't think so.
You're 100% correct, my Wise Friend. "Several Members" won't. That was not my point. Not doing your research, and making baseless claims without substantiation, however, will.
ReplyDeleteDude, get over it. You're being waaay too petty about this. The vast majority of NewAgers are liberals.
ReplyDeleteNow, if you want to read somebody who qualifies his words - to the point where he, either, doesn't say anything or ends up sounding like those he criticizes - then I invite you to search out Steve Salerno's Shamblog. Otherwise, chill:
I ain't that guy.
I'm not being petty, at all, Crack. You are writing in a Public Forum. Most of what you say is Great Stuff. But there's a Big Difference between "Choosing one's words carefully", and "Substantiating" one's claims through a few minutes of research.
ReplyDeleteBTW -- In his segment, Ray isn't even considered a "New Ager" by any means. You want to call Jack Canfield, Or Bob Proctor -- 2 of his biggest backers -- New Agers, or Liberals? C'mon.
I used to think these were a bunch of liberals, as well. After all this went down, and I was brought into it -- I found out different real quick.
It shouldn't be about "Liberal" or "Conservative" anyway. Both are Dinosaur Perspectives that have seen their respective day.
As long as the the powers keep promoting that "Us Versus Them" mentality nothing will ever move forward, and then they have us right where they want us -- focusing on "That other group whose not as wise as us", to the distraction of the real problem.
Jesus Christ, man, this is getting old fast:
ReplyDeleteLook, all you've done is make assertions in this "public forum" - without backing them up with so much as a link to anything - but, somehow, I'm to be held to a higher standard than you hold for yourself? Please.
You fell for these guys' line - and Barack's - so pardon me if I find your line of reasoning, regarding politics or the perpetrators and mechanics of NewAge, as suspect and/or strike number three. I don't wish to be mean to you (we, apparently are allies) but you've got to get off this:
It's really not a conversation worth having.
No, my dear Crack -- you shouldn't have to be held to a higher standard than me. Absolutely not -- under any circumstances.
ReplyDeleteWhat kind of links would you like? I have an endless bevvy of them. Just let me know.
BTW -- I didn't fall for any of this guy Ray's crap at any point -- don't quite know where you got that from. I was brought in to counter his BS-PR.
Great Blog, BTW!!!
"I used to think these were a bunch of liberals, as well. After all this went down, and I was brought into it -- I found out different real quick."
ReplyDeleteSorry - I misunderstood, after reading that.
And thanks!