In a statement released early this morning, Heene attorney David Lane said Mayumi will plead guilty to false reporting to authorities, a misdemeanor, with a stipulated sentence to probation.
Father Richard Heene will plead guilty to attempting to influence a public servant, a felony, with a stipulated sentence to probation, according to the statement.
In the statement, Lane said authorities insisted that Richard Heene 'fall on his sword' and take a felony plea.
The Heene family drew international attention Oct. 15 when Richard and Mayumi called 911 to report Falcon had floated away from their home in a UFO-shaped helium balloon."
-- Trevor Hughes, bringing another happy U.F.O. tale to an end - until the next visitor from Didn't-Get-The-Memoland shows up - in the pages of The Coloradoan.

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