Last night on MSNBC's The Ed Show, ten of the 14 Wisconsin Democrat state senators, cowardly runaways thwarting the will of the people as expressed in the November 2010 elections, reacted to the Wednesday evening vote on the budget repair bill.Here, let's repeat that again, just for clarity:
These AWOL legislators, stars on MSNBC, spewed their venom. It's truly stunning.
As if they hadn't embarrassed themselves enough already, they continued their streak.
Tim Carpenter calls the vote a "sneak attack" and "Pearl Harbor."
Robert Wirch refers to Wednesday being "a day of infamy for Wisconsin workers" and Republicans making Wisconsin workers "second class citizens."
Lena Taylor calls Governor Walker "a liar."
Each one of them uses horrible rhetoric and shamefully distorts the truth. It's as if they are from another planet, operating under some foreign, bizarre reality. They are really weird and scary. They're like members of a cult.
They are an absolute disgrace to Wisconsin.
It's as if they are from another planet, operating under some foreign, bizarre reality. They are really weird and scary. They're like members of a cult.Like I said, pay me no mind. I'll just be here whistling in the corner, rolling my eyes, listening to the rest of you. You're the smart ones.
You'll figure it out.

My Friend Crack...Being part of a cult that is lead by a Supernaturally enabled Prophet's teachings and administered by a religion under a High Priest is the normal human social arrangement everywhere for over 10,000 years. The appeal to reason seen in experimental science fully accepted into the the Reformation Christian movement started about 1600. Those two have been the two hands clapping that has made secular society thrive. But pridefuly eliminating Christian influence only eliminates the very men who insist that there is a TRUTH that men can know. Bingo, then the long repressed Old Age Cults claiming to be new age move right back in. We agree on the diagnosis. Maybe someday we will agree on the remedy who can change men's hearts and minds.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for this post, quite effective info.
ReplyDeleteIt will not really have effect, I feel like this.