Saturday, September 21, 2013

All Real Americans Have The Surreal In Our Background

This is the kind of entertainment America needs to see:

Resolved - Historically - or, since it's me, "artistically":

There is absolutely no reason for Hollywood to be making any of the crap we get when they have this level of material to work with.

They should be swimming in slavery (great title) for us, almost as a duty.

Most don't know how we got here and why we're so conflicted.

Following one sick "narrative" when we have lots of others, much more immediate in meaning and force.

Like how any American teen today - considering our past - could find a choice, as simple as the shovel-or-the-gun, to be stunningly debilitating, confusing, cruel, tragic, twisted, beautiful, and profound.


We owe it to them to go there,...

1 comment:

  1. You see the words "shovel or gun"
    I see the word "forced"
    Therein lies the rub...
