Friday, September 6, 2013

See, On One Side Is Uncle Sam, But On The OTHER,...

Ha - He gotcha!

Yep - Uncle Saul's done it again.

I've been telling you our politics have been juvenile on the Right. The Right's been trying to keep up with the neener, neener, neener bullshit on the Left. Everybody from Rush on down said to do so, and now they've O.Ded on it. Anybody should be able to see what's making them sick:
That’s the conclusion that emerges from a recent study by professors at the University of Michigan and Indiana University. Evaluating surveys of more than 5,300 anti-war protestors from 2007 to 2009, the researchers discovered that the many protestors who self-identified as Democrats “withdrew from anti-war protests when the Democratic Party achieved electoral success” in the 2008 presidential election. 
Had there been legitimate reason to conclude that Obama’s presidency was synonymous with the anti-war cause, this withdrawal might have been understandable. But that’s not what happened — the withdrawal occurred even as Obama was escalating the war in Afghanistan and intensifying drone wars in places like Pakistan and Yemen. The researchers thus conclude that during the Bush years, many Democrats were not necessarily motivated to participate in the anti-war movement because they oppose militarism and war — they were instead “motivated to participate by anti-Republican sentiments.” Not surprisingly, this hyper-partisan outlook and the lack of a more robust anti-war movement explain why political calculations rather than moral questions are at the forefront of the Washington debate over a war with Syria. 
In that Beltway back and forth, the national media has focused as much on the horserace (will an attack politically weaken the president?) and political tactics (should the president have submitted to a congressional vote?) than on whether an attack would actually make things better in Syria. Similarly, a top Democratic strategist told CNN that potential Republican opposition to a Syria attack “will coalesce Democrats around the president” in support of a military strike. Confirming that dynamic, Democratic Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton said a war resolution will pass not because of the supposed merits of an attack on Syria, but simply “because of loyalty of Democrats” who “just don’t want to see (Obama) shamed and humiliated on the national stage.” 
This is red-versus-blue tribalism in its most murderous form. It suggests that the party affiliation of a particular president should determine whether or not we want that president to kill other human beings. It further suggests that we should all look at war not as a life-and-death issue, but instead as a sporting event in which we blindly root for a preferred political team. 
An anti-war movement is supposed to be a check on such reflexive bloodlust. It is supposed to be a voice of reason interrupting the partisan tribalism. When it, too, becomes a victim of that tribalism, we lose something more than a political battle. As the distorted debate over Syria proves, we lose the conscience that is supposed to guide us through the most vexing questions of all.

Our chattering class, Right and Left - and no matter what the subject - are just really, really, mature.

Isn't it amazing how worked up they can get?


 How much time is wasted. How much of our lives. For nothing

Really - I don't say that lightly:

How many lives - both here and abroad?

You know, the big issue.

Absolutely nothing constructive is being done for anyone, no new ideas being introduced or tried, or a way out foreseen of any kind, while morons are running before the cameras - and blogs - screaming, "Oh yeah? Well I know what I am but what are YOU?" On every level, this is the same silly crap in the foster homes - even our enemies know it:

I'd rather watch a fight - any fight - than this candy ass madness:

At least then, I'd know somebody truly gives a damn,...

1 comment:

  1. You are aware that Alinsky tactics can be used in more than one direction by more than one group, right?

    Have you read Rules for Radicals?

    I have.
