Friday, September 27, 2013

You Ever Skipped A Rock & Hit A Flying Bird? Oh Man, There's Ripples Everywhere - And You're Eating Tonight!

Right Wing News' John Hawkins posts a lot of good, thought-provoking stuff, and he's got another one ready for us today:

Maybe it is - there's a lot of Americans dying but, in my experience, that didn't seem to be *too much* of a problem until whites were targets of blacks. So, the first question most blacks would think "it’s time to start asking" wouldn't be on coverage of the issue, finally, but why hasn't more of it been everywhere? 

I'd bet you that one, long-enduring fact of American life, is enough to enrage a whole lot of Americans and - except when exploited as a ploy to "tweak" the Left -  even Right Wing News, sad to say, may be partially responsible for that. 

But honestly, between post-racial Republicans, our questions don't always have to be confrontations about race, do they? How about some answers? 

Like, speaking of our buddies at MSNBC, when they're asked a question like ""Is there science to back up the effectiveness of alternative treatments?" do you think the following is the proper answer?

"If you’re looking for the same kind of rigorous, double-blinded, placebo-controlled studies that set the gold standard in Western medicine, they might be harder to find when it comes to alternative treatments. 
"Many of these modalities are more personalized, less standardized, and so are harder to study in that way," she says. In spite of these differences, in recent years an increasing number of studies has provided verification of the effectiveness of alternative therapies — most notably, meditation, acupuncture and herbal remedies."

That probably IS the answer if you're a listener to the homeopath, Michael Savage, or the advocate, Rush Limbaugh, but what does the most knowledgable scientist in alternative medicine say? Along with "much of alternative medicine resembles a cult," Prof. Edzard Ernst finds science "might be harder to find" as well, but he's a little bit more conclusive:

If this is the truth, and you, John Hawkins, have a sincere interest in fixing the woes of this nation beyond pointing out what horrible people some blacks are - and I, just as sincerely, think you do - then I challenge you to become EVEN MORE INTERESTED in eliminating the cult-like influence of this equally "dangerous" and "unethical" scourge from the face of our nation. 

Why? Because, just like the equally superficial concept of race, the quackery inherent in "alternative" medicine has been the motivation and instigation for murder and countless other crimes world-wide - most notably fraud - while being promoted by Left and Right Wing thought leaders alike. And, strategically speaking, since the vast majority of political promoters are on the Left, we'd be undermining a major source of strength to the Democrats - both financially and "spiritually" - while dispelling myths that have wedded American society to Europe's Dark Ages for centuries. 

And that brings me back to America's racial problems:

Confirming certainties dispels uncertainties.

Like whether A) as Rudy Giuliani's "Broken windows theory" suggested, the low-hanging fruit of science and politics have larger implications culturally, and B) there's a possibility the American Right Wing will ever join the 21st Century:

Within the 21st Century, that is,...


  1. "When men take it in their heads to day, to hang gamblers, or burn murderers, they should recollect, that, in the confusion usually attending such transactions, they will be as likely to hang or burn some one who is neither a gambler nor a murderer as one who is; and that, acting upon the example they set, the mob of to-morrow, may, and probably will, hang or burn some of them by the very same mistake."

  2. Yeah - harming someone claiming to be a witch or a psychic is sure to keep me up at night.
