Monday, March 17, 2014

Being Black, I Can Get Darker Than Most Whites, Easy

"Go broke or ask me for money - we're finished."

This is encouraging - Mick Jagger's girlfriend, L’Wren Scott, killed herself because she was broke. Of course, Mick's always been notoriously cheap, so the idea he wouldn't help her out is likely. Question:

"'Taxi Driver', huh? You gonna kill everybody?"

If you don't do the deed (Scott supposedly found a “painless” way to do it, sure to be copy-catted) is there life after going broke?

"Did we hear you've fallen on hard times?"

I mean, in a country where success is only counted in shekels and compromising positions - and falling behind, financially, is worthy of disdain - why should anyone want to stay? Why hang around for the laughter, you'll inevitably receive, from the internet hyenas? (Hell, they tried to get me to do it when my mother died, so it doesn't take much.) If the only way to survive the cynicism is to become cynical yourself - and that seems to be the case - then how much would any normal person really want to live anyway?

Caucasians, bringing us their vision,...of humanity.

Personally, I've taken a page out of The White Man's Handbook and kind of flipped the script, out-cynicaling everyone, and adding a thicker layer of skin. You know, like how celebrities die in threes? I now look forward to fours and fives. That kind of thing. A Malaysia Airlines flight went down? Cool. They couldn't find Tupac or Biggie's killers, why expect anybody to find an entire airplane full of passengers? Leggo My Eggo, bitch.

"Damn, I wanted to have sex with him behind my husband's back."

The inevitable message white's dominant culture is sending - unmistakable to those of us with direct contact - has always been "Kill All The Buffalo - Do Whatever You Like - Nobody Cares".


So why would anyone bother to do so in return?