Any work place, filled with college grads, can be horrible.
But can you imagine what it's like, for blacks in other fields of employment, without as much "book learning"?
Even with exposure of this country's history, "ignorance keeps white supremacy alive, allowing whites to not only dictate and dominate everything (including any discussion of American history) but to openly say ignorant things - almost any black person knows to be untrue - wherever they go.
Spreading ignorance - and ill will - at will.
For instance, I was recently told blacks never invented anything useful.
This was from a guy I'm expected (by whites) to welcome as my fellow countryman, though he ending with a snarky "You blacks should really get on that."
Even with us being here 400 years, he sincerely believed that obvious lie is true, but - more importantly - he's also still as free, as any former white South African, to enjoy mentally torturing blacks with it.
Because - as a white person in America - he still has the position, and capacity, to do so.
I'm talking' present day - right here and now - why couldn't he?
Has American society made a sufficient effort to correct him?
Nope - waaay more into selling sex.
Has American society made a sufficient effort to stop him?
Never has before.
And any redress is out of the question,…because whites, themselves, said so (and no one else gets a vote, yet, on what whites say,...).
Instead, what we're left with is American whites, all too-happy lording their current positions - along with what they think their ancestors had done to mine - over my black American ass, in my own country, in the present day, while holding whatever livelihood I have in the balance.
And the best part is, how they think that's a sufficient basis, for me and other blacks, to fully love them and/or our country.
We're told, we're the "bad" people, if we don't.
Such ignorance and hatred are allowed to persist alongside white America's ability to hire, punish, or fire, anyone who disagrees with - or innocently tries to correct - their wrong assessments.
Whites wrongly fire blacks all-the-time, usually for exposing their ignorance - and they do so with impunity.
It's done clandestinely, of course, and - it's well-known amongst blacks - not only will they, but they'll do so in a ruthless heartbeat.
It's done clandestinely, of course, and - it's well-known amongst blacks - not only will they, but they'll do so in a ruthless heartbeat.
Since few whites are talking, I guess you're just going to have to take a black's regularly-unemployed word for that much, too,...

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