Monday, March 17, 2014

Comments Are Off Because Everyone Said One Thing

Was it me?

TMR's gotten comments, here and elsewhere, about turning off comments.

How does it feel to be the last black blogger?

It's strange because, for the longest time - no matter how many visitors the blog had - there were so few comments, people teased.

You won't let me have my say, you black bastard!

Now, whether they're pissed or feeling guilty, almost everybody's wrongly assuming they're - individually - the reason TMR turned off comments. 

You're using the power, of the Blogger system, to exploit and manipulate the masses,...

Some are livid, and even charge me with being unfair.

Like I have power over whites? Riiight.

That should tell you something about the commenters TMR gets.

"See, Crack, if the shoe was on the other foot,…"

What's happening to me, especially as an individual, doesn't seem to register with them.

The Supreme Court said what?

I can tell them (as I have, repeatedly) what it's like to be vastly outnumbered, yet they still chose to believe it's just little ol' them, attacking me - each one possessing the power to wreck my world. 

Remember when TMR was all-cults-all-the-time? It still is.

It sure must be nice to imagine that. 

The white man's got a God Complex.

What a sense of power, they believe, they each hold. 

Why wouldn't you want to listen to us?

But, in perfect contemporary white supremacist fashion, they'll also tell me they don't think about race. 

If Boehner's the adult in the room, who are the other two?

I'm starting to understand, despite my giving conservatives the benefit of the doubt before, most of them are incapable of considering what's in my interest at all. 

Isn't everyone like this?

They're just grooving to the dominant culture's vampire dogma, about the power of the individual, so when they see a jugular, and they ruthlessly go for it, that's what they consider "normal". 

Nobody knows the difference.

They think I should learn to follow their profitable example.

I should complain about something other than racism.

Hitting on the topic of utmost concern, to them, is it wrong to refer to whites as "whites"?

Just another part of white culture - enjoy.

Of course it is, but I started doing so when whites turned up the heat on "blacks" during Trayvon - something most of my commenters STILL seem to miss entirely - leading me to question how bright my readership really is, as they've run around openly making (or listening to) the countless "black" jokes, etc., online.

My heroes.

Their "individual" answers - for me to be content - is to accept it.

MLK said not to trust this man.

Yes, apparently that's the great conservative insight, they think, not only I'll find attractive but will bring other blacks to their side.

You must do this to be human - or else.

As one commenter wrote, last night, it's "just human nature".

Welcome to conservatism.

Well, Folks, if that's the celebrated Way Of The World, considering all the anti-black crap I read out there, why have my readers only gotten pissed off when - after each assuring me they're not racist - I, a lone black person, joined the race-baiting crowd?

Indifference is very popular.

They don't know and they don't care.

Relax - it's not about you, but the other blacks,...

They won't even look at it.

He loved animals, and called blacks animals, but hated black animals.

The idea, that white society has me in a trap and it's not one of my own making - though supported by history, studies, and my own telling of my experience - that's outside of their consideration, and moves them not, which is why I've also taken to calling whites sociopaths. 

Why Rand Paul's culture-avoidance strategy won't work.

These guys (and they are mostly guys) will never willingly change, no matter what happens to me as an individual, because they - as whites and as conservatives - must hold to their precious dogma, and a "Freedom Of Speech" designed to drive me (and other blacks) nuts, even if it destroys the GOP.

Crack's doing fine amongst us.

The idea that it can, will, and is destroying me doesn't register. 

Let's test it!

Study after study has come out, showing whites - starting in childhood - have this weird idea, that blacks can absorb pain better than others, and what's the conservative's answer to that pain? 

Thanks, Liberals.

It's not for conservatives to be nicer to blacks. 

Stand still!

Nope - they think "Bring The Pain!" 

Just don't touch the hair.

Blacks can take it! 

You can do this.

Make 'em see it our way! 

Another black male apprehended, ready to be tried as an adult.

That'll be different from the past! 

Doing as we say will be in your best interest.

Uh, no, it isn't. 

Best education money can buy - without any.

It's the same ol' game, playing out the same ol' way, under a dominant culture that hasn't really changed all that much, which is why there have to be rules and laws, saying they can't behave naturally, etc. 

Were their hearts made of stone, too?

That's how badly whites need controls not to fuck with people.

Few notice the obvious holes in the dominant culture.

How absurd does it get? 

 When I could get a job.

Whites have given me Human Resources tests, so oriented to white-on-black racism, by passing it I was essentially telling them I understand how not to discriminate against myself. 

If there's no blacks - theres no problem.

That's how whites think we fight racism in America. 

If there ARE blacks, there's a problem.

This is madness.

Marilyn Monroe helping Ella Fitzgerald get a gig.

 But - as I've said - it's a madness for me (and other blacks) alone. 

The truth hurts.

Meanwhile, whites, whether they accept or not, are reading this from the comfort of wealth and privilege (from Silicon Valley, even!) basically saying, "All you have to do is lie to us and we'll like you" - like that's an attractive proposition. 

Jane, you ignorant slut!

I thought you guys came to TMR because I wouldn't lie to you. 

It was a gamble.

My Bad.

Don't worry about living, just look busy.

And "whatever". 

The problem has always been blacks.

If, after all these years of growing up in this culture, and me writing a "colorblind" blog, you want to believe the worst of me and not yourselves - as American history says you will - then that's on you. 

It'll always come out the same.

I can't help you. 

Off with his head - it doesn't say what we demand anyway.

I'll probably be homeless in two weeks or less, going down with the ship, because - like the demand I vote for Romney, or cheer Trayvon's death, or put up with white nonsense in the workplace - whites keep insisting, I must do what I can't, to get them on "my side". 

"The problem is an 'urban culture' and Rap Music,…" 

Like I'll don a mask, to reap more abuse, from people posing as my friends - Hey, they'll even pay me for it! 

Our wedding photo, with the "family", after I joined it.

Sorry, Folks - I was married once already - and now, I understand betrayal waaay too well to fall for THAT one, again.

A silly grin is the most important goal whites can imagine next to yoga class.

So you go on and be white and "happy" without me.

A wonderful world.

If I die out there, hugging myself, at least I'll know it'll be in the arms of someone who truly cares about me and the issues I live with.

Let's "spin" race, shall we? Whites will play the good guys.

Not another white person's, obsessed, with me living their way.

One day little rich white kids will heckle little poor black kids - that ain't right, Stokely!

There's only one way - and that's to help me do for myself,…