Thursday, January 15, 2009

Anger Is My Drug (And It's 100% All Natural)

"The belief that 'natural' is better than the products of big pharma is far more akin to religion than to science,...If nature is so effective at preventing and healing illness, then why does God allow so many people to become so sick and even to die of horrible diseases like AIDS and cancer? Oh, wait. I bet I know. It's the person's fault for not living 'naturally' enough. Yes, that does appear to be the implication, as it is for so much woo, that disease is almost completely preventable or curable if only you eat the right foods, do the right exercises, take the right supplements, and believe the right stuff hard enough, so that if you get sick, it's almost always because of a failing on your part, not because nature's a bitch."

-- Orac, knocking down a major totem of the NewAge, with Respectful Insolence.

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