Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Dear White People: We Aren't Here To Suffer For You

You do what you can.

Read the foreign press to escape American racism? Good luck. You get the international version of "colorblind" lies blacks are implored to buy.

Not from God.

Somebody's been trying to convince me, by email, that American blacks are as bad as whites. He comes across as insidious. He's having a hard time convincing me, because A) I don't see the evidence, B) though conservative, "bad" isn't my starting point for humanity, and C) his anger is such I could imagine he wants to hurt me for not agreeing with him. For seeing blacks as surrounded by a parasitic culture, fat and happy on our blood - and that thinks it has the right, and authority, to judge us after hundreds of years of extremely-unrespectable abuse.

That's what makes us different from your Indian imports. 

This is a scream for help.

I understand blacks are capable of evil - I know what most whites can't imagine - but it's impossible for me to judge the ex-slave population in the same way as members-in-good-standing of the society that produced us. A disturbingly insensitive, and empty-headed society, that has always been free to do as it wishes, right or wrong. And one that still punishes us psychologically, by denying this is so, and/or considering merely stopping abuse as "punishment".

I don't see race.

Today, in America, whites allow themselves the privilege of openly shrugging off 400 years of black abuse like it's nothing (an insulting gesture they don't even register, seeing how often they do it) as they also allow themselves to imagine whatever collective success blacks have had is because whites became nice, rather than we bullied our way past them - utilizing the government and the law - white attitudes be damned. Yes, even while marginalizing us, contemporary whites, world-wide, flatter themselves on a supposed generosity they do not collectively possess - anything but openly acknowledging whites have built a selfish, brutal, and truly insane, society and culture. Most will die first.

We drank your milkshake.

Blacks know we weren't supposed to be a part of this, in the wake of slavery, except in service positions. NO ONE should have to live under this, still. But rather than stopping the culture, conservative whites say society's work's done, so buy guns, and worry about the day you might need 'em - an inevitability, given the apocalyptic outlook, and general stubbornness, of the ancestors who raised them. Passing along the "values" of multi-generational discord. 

What are launching a "war on" this week?

As so many have said, no one loves a hater. But after MLK, no one doubts blacks tried. That was the whole point.

Must attend yoga, take homeopathy, shop at Whole Foods,..

I married a white woman - a decision I've (finally) learned to regret - and one that will give me nightmares for life. Nightmares of being lied to, of being undermined, of abusing others, in concert with the society around us. Nightmares of me, telling her to stop, and discovering that same damn wall. A wall to me, and my friends, with only one door - to this culture's "belief" in the art of the con. A wall to any possibility of a better life - or a door to no life at all. 20 years.

Tried that - didn't work.

It's The Matrix, this place, and these people - Most Can't Win - that's the real definition of "home":

This artist's got no imagination.

It's The Western World (and I've seen more than most) there's no escaping it's madness. The results are (almost) always going to be the same. It's a documented historical fact.

The opposition.

Black's bodies and dreams will be arrested for society's "bad decisions".

The enemy.

And the cultural lines will always be held by obfuscating clowns.

We will be free.