Sunday, March 16, 2014

HA! "Colorblind" Racism Finally Gets It's Own Cartoon

This should be his next campaign poster.

"Colorblind" racism just means whites don't have to listen to blacks, who say it's racism whites are openly practicing under another name, because - in the world whites still dominate - they can magically let themselves off the hook, merely for the act of denying doing anything racist. (Racism wasn't their intention, you see.)

This looks like a "friend" of mine.

Understanding what they're doing? There is absolutely nothing - except for, maybe, a black they can fire-at-will for mentioning it - that says they have to make the effort.

"I don't see race - only my neighbor does and I don't want to hear about that either."

So, today, whites can shit on anyone, at any time, for any fucked up reason - including their own insecurities, frustrations, and stupidity. And blacks? We've got to "suck it up."

Thanks to America - we do.

How the results are any different from what occured in "the old days" of the South is still a mystery,...