This should be his next campaign poster.
"Colorblind" racism just means whites don't have to listen to blacks, who say it's racism whites are openly practicing under another name, because - in the world whites still dominate - they can magically let themselves off the hook, merely for the act of denying doing anything racist. (Racism wasn't their intention, you see.)
This looks like a "friend" of mine.
Understanding what they're doing? There is absolutely nothing - except for, maybe, a black they can fire-at-will for mentioning it - that says they have to make the effort.
"I don't see race - only my neighbor does and I don't want to hear about that either."
So, today, whites can shit on anyone, at any time, for any fucked up reason - including their own insecurities, frustrations, and stupidity. And blacks? We've got to "suck it up."
Thanks to America - we do.
How the results are any different from what occured in "the old days" of the South is still a mystery,...