Sunday, October 24, 2010

If Memory Serves, The Phrase Still Goes, "A Conservative Is A Liberal Who Just Got Mugged"

No, we won't keep reminding y'all how many times we've said this was going to be The Age of the Black Conservative but, we think it's safe to say, Juan Williams is firmly in our camp now - and swinging for the bleachers.

And why not? Not only must it be sweet for this black man to find support while publicly going after an employer who's done him wrong, especially a white one as holier-than-thou as NPR, but some (like we here at TMR) consider bringing NPR down as also the possible fulfillment of some kind of patriotic duty or something.

Watching Juan Williams gleefully tear into NPR - it just re-enforces our long held view, that electing Barack Obama as "America's First Black President" wasn't nearly the major racial event of the new millennium it was sold as, when compared with what it has unleashed.

Stay tuned.


  1. Wiliams had a $2 million 3-year contract at NPR and now will be making the same amount he used to make in 3 years, in one year at Fox.

    Having a black former NPR employee named "Juan" in such a visible role on Fox is also an excellent PR move for the network

    Plus NPR lost someone who was clearly more interested in being a pundit than a journalist

    I'd say its win-win-win for all involved

  2. Are you serious?

    Make no mistake about it, this is a PR goldmine for Fox.
