Friday, October 8, 2010

Your Quotable Quotes (When I'm Taking Notes)

"Over and over again, beyond the point of ridiculousness, it seems their mindless action is in pursuit of something."

"Some yoga studios have made the techniques more palatable for Christians by removing the chanting and associations to eastern religions, namely Hinduism and its multiple deities."

"'I know you're here to assess how crazy I am.'

'Basically, yes. I'm doing a crazy check.'"

"Neurotic people are not just unhappy, they're expensive."

"The best advice is to recognize it and don't trust. Don't make yourself vulnerable."


  1. "Narcissists want fame and money and don't have close, warm relationships. They brag, name drop and take responsibility for good things while blame others for bad things."

    Wow, fascinating insight!

    Now please tell me where I can donate some money to the abrasive, obsessed author of this blog, so he can get the recognition as a genius that has been so unfairly withheld from him, and continue his brave, one-man crusade to expose the evil New Agers who are conspiring to take over the world and ruin everything.

  2. You click the "donate" button on the right.

    Glad to be of help:

    NewAge defenders are usually too stupid to figure that part out for themselves.
